Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Two Legends

Recently I was at a friend's home in the Twin Palm Estates area of Palm Springs for cocktails. They have a marvelous collection of art, including over sized black and white photography of Hollywood legends such as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. These were the inspiration for this week's edition of the Sunday Art Review: Two Legends. Monroe would frequently escape to Palm Springs to enjoy the arid heat and natural hot springs of our desert. Elizabeth Taylor was known for hosting fabulous parties for her Hollywood friends here in the desert, and viewed Palm Springs as a relaxing respite from the chaos and frenzy of Los Angeles. I couldn't resist stopping for a photo in front of this fantastic photography. Both of these photos commanded attention and had a true presence in the room.

above: Here I am in front of the photo of Elizabeth Taylor, wearing one heck of a diamond ring on her finger.
Two Legends: Marlyn Monroe & Elizabeth Taylor
The following are not from my friend's home, but I thought it would be fun to round out today's Sunday Art Review with some less common, vintage images of Marilyn & Elizabeth:

Thanks for stopping by the Sunday Art Review, I appreciate your time.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Both are such beauties for sure. amazing talent and impact on the entertainment industry.

  2. These are all GREAT Pictures of these two Legands! Two, very very beautiful women, both of whom captured the public's fancy and the public's heart! I never tire of seeing pictures of these two fabulous STARS! Thanks for sharing these photographs, Rick....Great idea for your Sunday Art Review!

  3. Two gorgeous women whom I have always admired. Plump, by today's standards - I think they were wonderful at any size! Elizabeth Taylor has always been my standard for beauty.

  4. i have always said that i think elizabeth taylor is the most beautiful woman ever born. i still say that. marilyn was pretty danged cute too though!

    smiles, bee

  5. Just beautiful! Thank you for posting the pictures :)

  6. love your updated profile pic, the tini and matching glasses! and your ascot and tux look faboo!

  7. Elizabeth Taylor is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Virtually every film she made was a 10 in my mind!

  8. Aren't they just sinfully gorgeous!! I love the pic of Marilyn reading the book. I think the best thing about these two ladies, however, is that they never were afraid of being themselves.


  9. Thanks for the art display Rick!! These women represent the enormeus beauty that the human body can become. You look fabulous in front of the large black and white pictures! I liked the eyes of E. Taylor with the towel around her head and the huge diamond on her finger, the most; it says a lot about her without any words.
    Warm Regards :)

  10. I love both these bitches! ICONS! And LIZ is still around, although battling health issues, but she is an awesome lady!

  11. Wow....they are both so amazing! How lucky to have those photos in their home!!!!

  12. I read "Two Legends" and saw the photo of you with Monroe. Perfect!

  13. Granted, Elizabeth Taylor was beautiful. Marilyn Monroe was too but her highlight for me was not her looks or her scandals, but the fact that she was ahead of her time.

    You know that green D&G(?) Versace(?) dress that Jennifer Lopez wore a few years ago and it caused all that uproar becuase it was split so far down to her waist? Well, Monroe did it first, in black, 40 years before! So, ner!


Thank you kindly.