Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday Art Review: A Fellow Blogger's Work

First off, I want to thank everyone who left such kind comments and sympathies about the loss of my beloved Koshimi. I hadn't planned on taking so much time off from blogging, but I really needed to focus inward this past week. We're doing fine, but it did affect me more than I expected. I did decide not to send any Christmas cards this year because I'm just not feeling very cheery. At any rate, I'm happy to be back blogging again to resume my normal routines. So here I am, with a fresh installment of The Sunday Art Review. I thought I'd feature the work of a fellow blogger, Erin, from The Babblings of a Whimsical Brainpan. She recently shared some of her work on her blog, and I received her permission to feature her here on the Sunday Art Review. This first one in the top left is entitled "Rose", in watercolors and ink.

above: "Pond", in pencil and ink

above: "Flowers", watercolors and ink

above: "South Paw Days" in color pencil

above: "Lillies", watercolors, based on a Robert Maplethorp photo.
Which work do you like best? Erin is modest about her work, but she says she enjoys creating it, and that's all that matters, isn't it? So please leave a comment to tell Erin what you think. And stop by to say hi to her sometime.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love the Pond! Thank you for sharing and I think that Erin has talent :)

  2. Yes that is what matters. I think all her work is fab but i especialy like the Pond.

  3. First of all, the work is lovely. Thanks for sharing that with us. I really like that second one. It reminds me of stained glass.

    Secondly, I hope your heart is recovering, albeit slowly. Know that I have been thinking of you and your beloved Koshimi.

  4. Hi Rick :) What fabulous work Erin does! I like Pond the best.

    We're sending more hugs just in case.


  5. i think i like the first one best. the pond is a close second. i like how that one sort of has a stained glass feel to it.

    welcome back, rick. hugs to you.

  6. Hi Rick-I'm glad to see you back-I've missed you and was worried about you....

    I love that you chose this art! It's fantastic and what I love more is that it brings job to its artist. That said, I think my favorite is "Flowers".

  7. Loved the flowers pictures, especially the first one -great post, Rick.
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas and the best of New Years.

  8. welcome back my friend! i missed you...

    and i love this artist's work! my favorite of them is "flowers"...

    smiles, bee

  9. My favorite is flowers, but I like all of them and think she has a lot of talent!

    Welcome back!

  10. It's all nice work, but if I had a big, fancy house - which I don't - and I had "Pond" - which I don't - I'd put "Pond" up on the wall, over there by the Van Gogh.

  11. I like "Rose", deep red flower in rich blue vase, but also really like "Pond" in its quirky mosaic effects.


Thank you kindly.