Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Owen's New Official Job Duties

Most of you are familiar with Owen, our Persian cat (see head shot at left). He recently assumed several new important responsibilities at home. His official duties now include: Secretary of the Interior, monitoring everything from furniture to furnishings and also has responsibilities for pruning plants and flowers. Homeland Security Chief, where he maintains a watchful eye on the property through window observation points. But most recently Owen has assumed an additional role, as Minister for Atmosphere and Entertainment. In this important new position, he has broad powers to oversee essential functions such as lounging, chasing things, watching TV, sleeping, and watching flickering flames from candles and fireplaces. In one of his first actions as Minister for Atmosphere and Entertainment, Owen instituted sweeping rules that require all fireplaces and candles to be in operation daily. In this photo, you can see the effect of the fireplaces and candles that give Owen plenty of distraction and entertainment. Having three official jobs keeps Owen quite busy. He is frequently torn between critical decisions such as whether or not to chew the plants, stare out the window or sit in front of the fireplace. Here is Owen hard at work:

above: standing guard in the light of day...

above: standing guard in the dark of night...
above: and after sitting upright for hours, Owen takes a moment to relax in front of the fireplace.

above: Owen's jurisdiction includes outdoor fireplaces, but he delegates these supervisory responsibilities to me. I frequently sit outside at night in front of the fire to blog, and carry out his duties with a glass of wine and my laptop. Owen's dedication and commitment to his three official duties are a true inspiration, don't you agree?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. LOL...Whew, that's an awful lot of responsibility! I love the pic next to the statue, he looks like one too cute!!!

    Hey let me know if ya wanna grab a cup of NY or I'll stop into the show to say hi!


  2. I think he may just be the cutest cat ever. And the biggest multi-tasking cat ever!

  3. Hilarious post! I love him standing on the mantel, ready to roar at the first sight of intruders!

  4. Owen's dedication is indeed commendable. Our Azrielle has re-defined her own duties of late to guarding and keeping safe one chair on our sun porch from which she gets up only the use the litter box -- sometimes...

  5. That Owen is one busy guy. Does he get a vacation plan, health insurance and 401k?

    Come to think of it, where in the heck would OWEN go on vacation?

  6. Owen makes me smile every time I look at him. He is very dedicated, and indeed, is an inspiration!

  7. man with that many jobs owen needs a raise! bless his little heart...

    smiles, bee

  8. I think it is great that Owen has so very many duties...But here is my question: How come it is only recently that he has taken up this last post of Atmosphere and Entertaining.....Who has been seeing to all that before he stepped in? And, did he volunteer for this job or was he "pressed" into service?? (lol)
    All very important questions, you know....

  9. it's a tough job but i am glad owen is equal to the task. ;)

  10. Bwahahaha! What a character he is! He seems up for the task though! :)

  11. OldLadyofTheHills- It was a newly created position based on an obvious gap in the entertainment levels at home. He lobbied hard for the job, and as it turned out, was the best qualified candidate...besides Sheldon is under age and can't work yet!

  12. Rottweilers got nothing on Owen! He is just the best :)

  13. Our little cat, Chino, took up mousing this past week. Not catching -just chasing, playing with it and such until it escaped her claws and ran under my computer desk. Who knows where Ms. Minnie might be hiding now as I haven't heard or seen her again in two days now.
    Gotta love the cats though, don;t 'cha? Life without 'em -pretty darned boring.

  14. LOL. Poor Owen, I hope that he doesn't feel over worked! That is a lot of responsibilty for one little kitty.
    Good work, Owen!

  15. I absolutely just LOVE the look on his face... he means business, doesn't he?

  16. does he make a good martini?

    Had a semi question for you..see my blog, it's in relation to my Marina..or let me know what to do on my Wall :)

    cute..Owen is a beautiful cat.

  17. My word, he is taking his new jobs extremely seriously isn't he?

  18. Um, Rick....Owen looks pissed. Perhaps a litle sherry and he'll be fine.

  19. Ah Rick, welcome to the wonderful world of being owned by a fabulous feline. I have always been owned by a cat and it has always been wonderful. Owen is beautiful and I surely hope you obey him! It is truly worth our while to be owned by cats! Love the entry here. Caroline

  20. Man, he's got his work cut out for him alright!

    HEEHEE! Kitty looks funny.

  21. wow , its nice thing to have such a cute cat at home . Nice job man .

    Job duties


Thank you kindly.