Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Favorite Vacation Spots...(so far)

Often times after a busy week at work I like to relax and let my mind wander a bit. Typically I day-dream about vacations, places I've visited around the world, and times when I was able to escape. This morning was one such occasion- I found myself lost in thought, thinking about some of my favorite locales. This was the inspiration for today's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Favorite Vacation Spots...(so far).

#1 Rome: What can I say, other than I love this place. Romance, history, culture, great food, art, and people with a zest for life.

#2 Kauai, Hawaii: The best place in the world to really slow down and relax...without leaving the comfort, familiarity and safety of the good old USA.

#3 Monte Carlo, Monaco: Perhaps the one place that captured my attention the most from the moment we arrived. It has mystique, glamor and a casual elegance.

#4 London, England: Truly home away from home. London is where my heart is.

#5 Glacier Bay, Alaska: One of the most spectacular and breathtaking places I have ever been. Would definitely return, especially on another cruise.
#6 Newport, Rhode Island: Where I spent a great deal of time in my youth, I always feel comfortable in Newport. The coastline, mansions and Ocean Drive hold many fond memories.

#7 South Miami Beach, Florida: It has a vibe all its own. The Art Deco architecture, Cuban influence and hot humid climate makes this destination tip top.

Bonus Entry: Valletta, Malta: a tiny little country with an ancient feel and visually pleasing too.
Where are your favorite spots? If you've never been able to travel, where do you dream of going to escape one day? Due to the current economic climate, ALL COMMENTS ARE FREE, SO SPLURGE!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I would have to say the Palm Springs area is my favorite spot!

  2. I have only been to one of your spots, London. But I have to concur on that one. It's fabulous.

    My own personal seven would be: Boston, New York, London, Paris, Dallas, San Antonio, and Las Vegas. Each is filled with wonderful memories for me of places I've been and people I've met there.

  3. Rick-- in my mind, I am a nun in Bavaria. Catholic, of course! There was a place that I visited there where miracles had been witnessed. I went when I was 15.

    I go back there often. I don't remember the place as much as I remember the feel. Germans had a unit of currency called a pfennig and it kept accumulating and I wound up emptying my purse of them and the nun spoke American English, "Did you have a good time?" I think they may have cursed me when they realized what I gave! There had to have been 400 of the things!

    It was peaceful. It was in the woods on a mountain. The nuns were kind. The food was delicious. My host sister always translated for me but there I told her not to-- I was listening to God.

    My Orthodox friends keep telling me to try an Orthodox monastery which I will probably do when we can afford it.I am sending my 13 year old to summer camp at one this year to see their lifestyle and hope that even if she doesn't choose this way of life, that she carries it in her heart!

  4. I lived in Newport for six months while my dad when to OCS for the Navy. I loved everything about it. I think I eventually walked the entire island exploring it while I lived there. We lived in this absolutely gorgeous house built in the 1800's that was across the street from the hospital (on Friendship) We only lived on the first floor, but my brothers and I had an absolute blast in the upper floors (as they were open to us for a few months until someone else moved into them)
    I really miss RI.


  5. Hawaii looks just amazing! One day...*deep sigh*

  6. Your top two are mine also. I find myself thinking more and more about Rome lately.

  7. My foreign escape place is Zermatt, Switzerland. That village is just so beautiful!

    When I stood on Gornegrat mountain (at the base of the Matterhorn) and looked out at the alps it reminded me of how insignificant we are... God so created a beautiful earth.

    As for a beach, I love and adore Captiva Island. One Day I rented a boat/captain who took us to an uninhabited island to go shelling. I dream of shelling. It's my peaceful activity.

    As fopr a place I've never been but would like to visit. Alaska to see the aurora borealis. That's on my bucket list...

  8. Cancun, Mexico, Quebec, Canada and Nassau, Bahamas really do it for me. Love your list, makes me want to hop on a plane.

  9. Would love it if you visited my blog on "Favorite Things" and left a comment, too!! :)

  10. I swear, you do get around (maybe you should just be a flight attendant!!). Not quite sure of my list with any accuracy, but it definitely includes: Innsbruck and Salzburg, Austria; Krakow, Poland; The Cotswald/Hill regions of England; Columbia River Gorge National Historic Area of Oregon/Washington; San Juan Islands, Washington; Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya; Vancouver, BC; The Northeast US; Sandpoint/Lake Pend Orielle, Idaho...etc etc etc etc.

  11. So, Monte Carlo is, "has mystique, glamor and a casual elegance" - eh? Sounds like you!

    I don't travel to exotic places. I've only been to various places in the US and to The Netherlands to see family.

    I'm a simple girl - I love the beach. It's relaxing, and sings to my soul.

  12. You are so lucky to have seen so much of the world. I am glad that you share it with us.

  13. ahhh south beach. Lived there for a few years with husband and son. Interesting when you're in family mode. I miss the beaches and Lincoln road.

  14. i really loved maui when i went. someday i hope to spend and extended amount of time in greece.

  15. Your Favorites are some Fabulous places, Rick...I have been to some of them, myself. One of the great Vacation trips I ever took was waaaay back in 1971-72. A little Island off of Puerto Rico...called about relaxing...! It was Perfect as a "get away from it all" place.

  16. that's so beautiful places...want to go there eyes wouldn't get tired looking at them...

    - ledz -


Thank you kindly.