Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Adventures of Sheldon: Dressed for Success

One of the benefits of where I work is I have been able to bring Sheldon to the office regularly over the past ten months. He has put so much time in that he practically qualifies as an intern in the merchandising and e-commerce departments. So it was no surprise when he indicated that he was ready for a full time job in the office "where the pets go". In my capacity, it was easy to secure a job for Sheldon, so we prepared him for work, complete with a nice new tie. After all, being the "chief bone taster" and "toy tester" for us isn't a job for any slouch. It takes a true professional. A professional, you say? Well here I present Mr Sheldon, all spiffy and ready for a day at the office. I inspected his appearance and gave him the "thumbs up" for his first official day at work.

above: Mr Sheldon is all smiles as he waits for his ride to work. I just hope he doesn't ask for business cards on his first day. Wish him luck!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Good luck Sheldon! It's a dog eat dog world out there ;)

  2. oh i hope sheldon doesn't have to pay taxes!!! he looks adorable.

    smiles, bee

  3. Have a good day at work, Sheldon! :)

    And your job rocks!! I didn't realize you could take Sheldon to the office--that's so cool! :)


  4. Sheldon needs a cravat and a sweater vest.

  5. awwwwww. He's so handsome!

  6. Decked out like that -quite the "dude" he is, for sure and no way could he fail at his new post. Just way too handsome.

  7. Oh he is so adorable!!! Now he just needs a monocle like my pup. ;)

  8. oh that tie is too funny. and the look on his face is priceless.

  9. I think he really understands!

  10. Aw, that Sheldon. He's such a little gentleman, definitely a product of the Rockhill household.

  11. Who needs Dogbert when you have Sheldon?

  12. I'm sure Mr. Sheldon will do a bang up job at his new job!

  13. You be out of a job, Doug! That smile is a deal closer.

  14. He definitely looks ready for work. I could probably take some grooming tips from him.

  15. Sheldon is cool in my book because he actually goes to work. That's awesome. Earns his living like a good little cute doggy.

  16. Sheldon is so cute..I mean, dignified, of course. I would soo work with him :)

  17. I'd love to have somebody like Sheldon working with me Rick. He looks very smart and business-like in his tie. All set for the office!


Thank you kindly.