Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hangin' With Ben & Nat

I've been super busy this week, with scarcely any time to breathe, never mind blog. This photo is from last weekend, when we met up with my friend Ben and his lovely wife Natalie for breakfast. They were in the desert for a few days, visiting from Indianapolis. Ben and I are old buds...we used to work together but still keep in touch. The cool thing about this dude is that even though we don't talk that often, when we meet up we just jump back into it like we saw each other a day or two ago. We have a special bond through someone who is no longer with us, but I won't get into that now, it is still too painful to think about. This day was a happy occasion. We joked. We laughed. And most importantly, we ate. I had some delicious pancakes and cawfee...gosh I love breakfast. Oh check out the SWEET Stevie Nicks t-shirt I am wearing in the photo above. Look below for a close-up of it...

above: Here is a zoom up of my Stevie Nicks t-shirt. This is one of my favorites. Well that's all for now. Have a great day.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. it's such a gift to have a friend like that. being able to pick up where you left off even if the intervals and distances are great, is a treasure.

  2. Darn that shadow hiding my loveley wife!!

    It was great to see you Rick and always.

  3. OMG! Rick in jeans and a t-shirt! I didn't even know that was you under the baseball cap until I realized nobody else in the pic resembled you! Haha!

    Anyway, kidding aside, I am glad you got to spend some quality time with good buddies. Always good memories even in the absence of another.

  4. Ruby's??? Is that right downtown Palm Springs? With little water misters out front? I think I've been there. Some sort of delicious French toast on the menu if I remember correctly.

  5. I have a few friends like that, too -- we don't see each other often, but fall right into our connection when we do meet up. Priceless, huh?

  6. Love Ruby's in Palm Springs! Friends and I will be in town in May and that's the first place we head for to get their delicious cheeseburger and fries.

  7. Those kinds of friends are the best!

  8. it's great to have friends like that..there are no zipcode rules that break those bonds. Your continued friendship helps the memory of your friend that you all lost. Glad you had a nice time.

    great shirt..although I don't listen to him, the color looks fantastic on you. If I were your neighbor I would totally hijack that shirt from you..I have a thing for long brown shirts..ask Brian..:)

  9. I'm a little disappointed, Rick. I'd more expect you to be having your picture taken with Stevie Nicks while wearing a Ben and Natalie T-shirt.

  10. that is a nice Stevie Nicks T. I remember seeing her with Tom Petty, back in 81. Glad you had a good time with your friends, what a change from Indianapolis to the desert. :)

  11. Isn't it nice to get together with old friends?

  12. You Stevie Nicks whore!

    Sounds like a beautiful friendship Rick! Congrats!


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