Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Weirdest Natural Stuff I've Seen Today

Today is my first time doing a mobile blog post. Long time readers of this blog may recall that each year I attend a trade show called the Natural Products Expo West, a massive consumer products trade show featuring everything from food, vitamins, supplements, skin care, clothing, household cleaning products, spices, drinks, and even pet products. I'll do my annual post about the show on Monday, but as I wandered the show yesterday and today, I saw the usual range of wild to weird products that inspired this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Weirdest Natural Stuff I've Seen today.
1. Wasabi covered Goji Jahingo berries (I can't even pronounce it)
2. Truffle Oil infused Avocado Potato Chips (hmm, they actually taste good)
3. Vegan/Gluten free Soy fish cakes (no way Jose)
4. Organic Agave Ketchup (a cactus derivative?)
5. Fair Trade, Eco-friendly lemongrass toenail cream (not even touching this one)
6. Organic Pepper Beer (uh, should beer quench your thirst?)
7. Free Range Snake Jerky (aren't all snakes free range?)
OK so I'm going to continue walking the show now. Sorry for the short post but I have ten more aisles to work through today. Have a great Saturday.


  1. I'm with you on the soy fish cakes!

  2. sweet fancy moses, that is some seriously weird stuff! you have to tell us what other weird things the other 10 aisles had. inquiring minds want to know!

  3. rick the very thought of snake jerky made me flinch. visibly. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    smiles, bee

  4. I am all for going natural, but I could never see myself using even one of those products! test them for me, will you? :P

  5. I might try the beer, but EW to the rest!!

  6. Wasabi covered Goji Jahingo berries and Organic Pepper Beer sound really good :)

  7. Agave ketchup? Isn't agave where tequila comes from?
    I think you hit the nail on the head in these things... WEIRD!


Thank you kindly.