Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Photography of Seth Hoffman

My weekly Sunday Art Review feature has become a popular favorite with regular readers of this blog. Each week I attempt to showcase various forms of art across a multitude of mediums. I never profess to be an art expert or art snob. (Although I did study Art History in college). Regardless, the Sunday Art Review is never pretentous, rather a place for people to be exposed to something different each week. Art is subjective- what one person finds appealing may not be another person's taste. Art can be oil on canvas, sculpture, carvings, glass, clay, architecture, jewelry design, photography and many other forms. This week I am pleased to present The Sunday Art Review: Photography of Seth Hoffman. With Seth's permission I am featuring three examples of his work here on this post. His next exhibit is in LaQuinta, CA on May 3, 2009. click here for details. Seth's work is painstakingly handcrafted in darkrooms in thiocarbamide toned silver gelatin prints. I hope you enjoy his unique work:

above: these palm trees against the sky are beautiful, aren't they?

above: "La Quinta Storm"

above: Big Sur ocean seascape
Thanks for stopping by this week's Sunday Art Review. If you enjoyed Seth's work, please stop by his site and let him know.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. The Big Sur ocean seascape is absolutely speaking volumes to me. What an excellent picture!

  2. I love the Big Sur seascape. Awesome! I also like the La Quinta storm. The Rembrandt-esque spotlight effect rocks!

    If you like classic style photography, Clyde Butcher down in the Everglades has some GORGEOUS black and whites. I own one of his prints. They have a VERY ethereal quality to them.

    And for new stuff, my airstream buddy, Rich Charpentier, has some awesome color HDR shots of Arizona and southern California.

    Thanks for sharing those!

  3. i have been where that last photo was taken, big sur oceanscape. it is lovely there...

    smiles, bee

  4. I like the last one best. Sepia is interesting, but I really prefer color photography.

  5. these are lovely. I like Sepia photography

  6. Love all the photos, but none more than your beloved Koshimi. That is a great puppy face!

    I have a friend who is a loyal Fanilow and she insists Barry is married and lives with his wife in Palm Springs. Since you're right there in the neighborhood I've got to ask: have you ever seen her?

  7. California has such a wealth of subjects to photograph!

  8. These make me recall my days in darkrooms...seems old fashioned now and God, I miss it. Great pics.


Thank you kindly.