Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Study of Grapes

It has been a relaxing weekend at home in the desert, quiet nights outside, enjoying the crisp dry desert air with a nice glass of wine. Last night we enjoyed a bottle of St. Clement Oroppas, a 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon which was delicious. As I stared at my glass of wine, I found inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: A Study of Grapes. Regular readers of this blog know that I enjoy wine. While primarily a red wine household, we have been known to have our share of white wine on hand, especially for a warm afternoon when something cool, light and crisp is a refreshing way to pass some time at home. I thought it might be interesting to feature a few images of grapes and their relationship to wine. Enjoy...

above: "Feeling Wine", by Sommers, oil on canvas

above: "Grapes" by Karen Wright, oil.

above: "Pinot Noir Grapes" by Anna Knights

above: "Cabernet Grapes", photograph. Artist unknown.

above: "Grapes" by Tsunetomo Morita, oil on canvas.

above: "Grapes" by Vivian Hershfield, painting
I hope you enjoyed this week's Sunday Art Review: Study of Grapes. Which do you like best and why? Please leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Enjoy the weekend!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. funny thing, i love grapes, i love raisins, but i only LIKE a few wines, like merlot. don't know why that is...

    smiles, bee

  2. I like the one of grapes by Karen Wright, the way the light hits the grapes is lovely.

  3. Thank you, how nice. I love grapes, prefer white wine. Beautiful art, grapes have always inspired.

  4. Love the photos and painting of grapes. Brings to mind photos I took at Chateau St. Jean in Sonoma. They have a grape arbor there which they invite you to walk through and taste the grapes!

  5. Beautiful! Grapes are my favorite fruit and I love red wine and Dom Perignon (not that I have it often....LOL)

  6. I got very tipsy the other night on TWO glasses of wine. It was ridiculous, but I'd forgotten to eat all day. My husband just laughed, "You look so pretty when you giggle!"

    Why do we giggle when we are drunk? I dare say it was the first time I relaxed in a while. . .

  7. I like Sommers and Morita because both grapes look pickable right off the screen.

    Wines for me go best with food, but I do like the mellow buzz I get from red wine which goes to my head much quicker than white.

  8. Has to be the Feeling Wine. I love red wine but I do appreciate white wine as well.

  9. Grapes are delicious. I'm not into wine as much though.

    Love this artwork you got here. Purty stuff.

    What else is in the news Robin?



Thank you kindly.