Monday, March 16, 2009

What Movie is This?

Thought I'd have a bit of fun with you today. Does anyone remember what movie this is from? I'll hold off on publishing the comments until Monday evening. The first person who guesses correctly will win a prize...

Update: 7:00 PDT: Everyone answered correctly, it is Sixteen Candles, starring Molly Ringwold. (What a classic movie). Of course I forgot the image was named "Sixteen Candles" and some of you let me know just how easy this was. Oh well, it was fun! Congratulations to Casdok who was the first person to guess correctly!


  1. I'm sure I'm last, but Sixteen Candles. :)


  2. Pretty in Pink?

    Sixteen Candles?

  3. Of course - Sixteen Candles Am I right?

  4. It was my last birthday party....even though I don't usually look this good in pink.

  5. Hi, I am visiting from Ladeda. The movie is Sixteen candles. I love this movie. I watch it every time it comes on tv.

  6. 16 CANDLES!!!! lOVE THAT MOVIE!!!

  7. i don't know my movies rick, but was it sixteen candles? is that molly ringwald?

    smiles, bee

  8. You need to rename your pic -- it gives it away...LOL
    I was going to say Pretty in Pink.


    Have a great week! Give those furbabies a love pat from me...

  9. For sure it's Sixteen Candles but also for sure I'm not the first correct guesser!!

    I used to want to be Molly when I was younger. She's so pretty.

  10. Rick, I knew what it was but I think the whole thing should be thrown out on a technicality because if you hold your cursor over the pic the title pops up in the bottom of the browser!!

  11. Could there be 16 Candles on that cake?

  12. Sixteen Candles - I love that movie!!!!!

  13. Sixteen Candles. The best movie of it's time!
    On a separate topic - I heard Sheldon got to visit somewhere on Saturday. I hear he was a perfect gentleman and handsome. I hear his friend didn't really want to play with him though.

  14. I would guess sixteen candles, is that right?

  15. Well everybody got it right- most on your own, but foolishly I forgot to rename the image to something different than the name of the film!

    Regardless, it was fun. And Casdok answered FIRST so she wins the prize!


Thank you kindly.