Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Greenhouse Glee

Not too far from home, there is a greenhouse and nursery with the most wonderful collection of flowers, orchids and colorful plants available for purchase. We stopped by in search of some new cactus plants for the garden, but I couldn't resist a stroll through the greenhouses. This huge white orchid caught my eye from the moment I walked in- it mesmerized me! Had I not been in a greenhouse I would have been tempted to touch it to see if it were real. There is something about being in a greenhouse that I find completely peaceful. Come with me on this ever-so-brief journey of what I call "Greenhouse Glee". Enjoy these photos...

above: Beautiful Bromiliards

above: more Orchids...

above: No idea what these are, maybe someone can leave a comment and tell me...

above: more colorful Bromiliards

above: Soon it was time to head out, but only with pleasant memories of the Greenhouse Glee.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Oooh... beautiful plants. I love orchids and bromeliads. I have a photo from one of My dad's and stepmom's plants where there is a little frog perched between the leaves. I took it while taking care of dad in 2007, just shortly before he passed.

    I'll look for that photo and post it today.

  2. i like seeing so many plants look so lush because i know one they entire my possession they will not look so healthy.

  3. The orange ones are orchids too, Rick. Everything is beautiful there.

  4. My idea of heaven! This time of year I begin planning what I'll plant. My husband (kiddingly) talks of preparing a poster to send to local nurseries that says, "Do Not Sell to This Woman". Greenhouses are a real treat to me!!

  5. I almost bought myself an orchid plant the other day at Trader Joes. But then I realized it's not an essential need and passed it by. Too bad, b/c they are so lovely. Thanks for sharing you walk through this beautiful greenhouse!

  6. Wow, orchids and bromeliads, just like the ones we saw at the US Botanic Gardens on Saturday!

  7. Purty pics there Rick. I think I there's one of these greenhouses that just went up here near my job. I might go take a look there sometime, just off the 118 freeway here in Chatsworth.

  8. welcome spring! my own orchids and amaryllis bulbs are blooming!

  9. Much needed in Seattle. We had snow yesterday.

  10. Rick, you tease! I want GREEN! I am THINKING DIRTy THOUGHTS!


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