Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy

Today I found inspiration from my Easter basket for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy. Regular readers know that I am a chocolate is one of my personal pleasures, and is synonymous with all major holidays. (Easter wouldn't be Easter, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas, etc). It went back to when I was a little kid, when the local candy shops on the East coast called Fanny Farmer were where my family bought the holiday candy. I can remember being a little kid and going to the Fanny Farmer Candy Shop downtown for an ice cream cone. It was always a special trip for me. Years later when I worked for the Chicago based Fannie May Candy Shops I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I had true reverence for the candy business, and enjoyed the seasonal aspects of each holiday. Easter was no exception. Thus the topic for this week's Saturday Seven: Favorite Easter Candy:
#1 Marshmallow Eggs- hands down my favorite. I love how they melt in my mouth.

#2 Cream Eggs- the fruit and nut and dark vanilla cream are so delicious.

#3 Jelly Beans- Made with Pectin means they are good for you (really).

#4 Foil Wrapped Milk Chocolate Eggs- so smooth n creamy!

#5 Foil Wrapped Bunnies- For some reason they taste different from the eggs...
#6 Solid Chocolate Rabbits- Dark or Milk Chocolate, you have to bite the ears off first, everybody knows that!

#7 Carmel Pecan Fudge Egg
- Its a perfect combination of flavors, and perfect to slice off a piece at a time to savor it.
Well that's my list of favorite Easter Candy. What do you like? Go ahead, leave a comment. Oh and by the way, Happy Easter to you.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Happy Easter! Carmel Pecan Fudge Egg gets my vote. Here in England I enjoy the Cadbury's Cream Eggs. Chocolate is always good :)

  2. Hi Rick :)

    Oh you`ve got me wishing I`d bought myself a chocolate rabbit! But Carmel Pecan Fudge Egg?
    Mmmmmmm, I`ve never heard of those. Sounds good!
    Happy Easter :)


  3. Get thee behind me, Satan!! LOL

    I'm trying to be good and not eat fattening things - and here you are tempting me!

  4. Cadbury Cream Eggs
    Robins Eggs
    the Hollow Chocolate Bunny
    PEEPS-I let them melt in my mouth
    jelly beans

    Happy Easter Rick to you and your wonderful family!

  5. LOL! I'm with Kenju here! :) Course a bite outta the bunny ears would be appropriate!

  6. That was truly a mouth-watering post! I love everyone of the candies you mentioned. But I also have a new favorite now too. My daughter, Mandy, brought home a little treat the other day from her friend's house. Seems a friend of the friend's mother makes these goodies -a creamy center shaped like an egg and then dipped in white chocolate and a bit of coconut! Mmmmm! So good! I could just feel the pounds building on various body parts as I ate some of these luscious eggs!
    Happy Easter.

  7. ok...send all of those yummies my way! :)

  8. Well my mouth is watering! My favorite Easter candy was a large, hollow chocolate egg filled with Hershey's kisses.

  9. Hands down the Peeps and Cadbury Creme Eggs.

  10. DOVE milk chocolate foil-wrapped mini bunnies. Happy Easter All!!

  11. am I white trash if I say I like reese's peanut butter eggs? great topic today!

  12. I just learned how to make chocolate dipped marshmallows. They make my teeth curl. I enjoyed ONE-- and I will enjoy another ONE next year! I look forward to it!

  13. Happy Easter Rick! While all of the candies in your list are great, I remember most from childhood the speckled robin's eggs.

  14. I remember Fanny Farmer very well, too Rick...And we used to get great Chocolate 'specialty' items from Scrafft's, as well....!
    SEE'S CANDY now makes DARK Chocolate little eggs covered in colorful paper and a DARK Chocolate Bunny, too.....YUM, YUM, YUM...And it is true...their eggs and bunny's taste different from each other...Not sure why, but, they do. The Dark Chocolate Bunny is DELICIOUS!
    ENJOY all youyr Easter Candy, my dear.

  15. You forgot Cadbury eggs and speckled whopper eggs!!!


  16. *drool*

    Okay, I LOVE this post!! :)

    I've got to add Cadbury Mini Eggs. I love the milk chocolate eggs covered in the candy shell. Not to be mistaken with the Cadbury Egg with the sticky, creamy, overly-saccharine candy yolk in the middle. I always thought that was tooooooooo sweet. Kind of like a diabetic's nightmare. No offense to anyone who likes that stuff! :)

  17. What beautiful pictures you found of your candy!

    If you want to try delicious chocolates, take a flyer at It's a locally owned store in Cleveland, OH. Started out as an ice cream store that also sold chocolates. You need to read the "about us" inspiring history. We used to get to go there for ice cream sundaes only when my grandparents came to town. Today my children love the milk chocolate fudge sauce for ice cream as much as we do. In fact, my one son won't open a jar unless he has a back-up jar. I don't eat much of the candy, but I imagine it's good too.


Thank you kindly.