Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Adventures of Sheldon: All Grown Up!

I'm not sure where the last year has gone to, but Sheldon is now just over a year old, and all grown up. Well nearly grown up anyway. He still has that sweet innocence of a youngster- playful and energetic. His older brother Owen (pictured here) tolerates Sheldon's enthusiasm for life, although deep down Owen loves to play with Sheldon- provided it is on his terms! When I took this photo, Sheldon had just returned home from a visit to the groomer, looking handsome and debonair. Sheldon loves the oh-so-fresh feeling of being back from the groomer; he typically runs to the mirror in the hallway to check himself out. He even manages to catch his reflection in the glass French doors when the sun is just right. He is a smart poodle and makes me a proud parent everyday. I could go on and on, but I think you get the gist. I love my dog.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love Sheldon too. I love all puppy dogs really.

    I'm laffing and cringing here listening to Christian Bale's famous temper tantrum on Howard Stern! YIKES! God I love Howard! HEELARIUS!

  2. I think they both look adorable :)

  3. Both are handsome! I love that 'oh so fresh' smell, too!

  4. So, was Sheldon the inspiration for that adorable commercial that that certain pet company (you know, the "one where pets go") does? The one where the little dog checks out his reflection in the mirrors repeatedly?

  5. Awww both are cuties. I was thinking about Sheldon this weekend. There were two standard poodles at my brother's family weekend. Sweet pups!

  6. Very handsome boys! I sure understand that statement: "I love my dog."

  7. Soooo-weeeet!

    What cuties you have!

  8. I hear ya, I can't believe my June who just turned 3, seems like yesterday when she was her insane puppyself making me insane! :)

    aww, you are a proud parent! they are lucky to have you.

  9. Like you, I cannot believe a whole year has gone by...(As you said in your comment on my blog, and here, too..) Sheldon is such a pretty doggie....And I LOVE that he checks himself out after being at The!


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