Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Italy Day 1: Bologna

Welcome to another edition of Rick's Roadshow. I'm taking a few days off from work to pop over to Italy for a quick trip. It's a combination of a personal and business trip; I'll start off attending Zoomark, a major pet industry trade show and conference held in Bologna. I'm sure I'll be able to squeeze in some time for sight seeing! Then we head to Rome for a few days. Short and sweet. Of all the time I've spent in Italy, I've never been to Bologna, so this will be a new adventure. We're flying into Rome and taking a train to Bologna, which should be a fun experience. I consulted our friends at Wikipedia for a few tidbits about this northern city in Italy. Bologna is the home of the oldest university in the Western world, "Alma Mater Studiorum", which was founded in 1088. Surprisingly, Bologna is one of the most developed cities in Italy. It ranks as one of the top cities in Italy for quality of life, due to its wide range of well developed social services, and ideal location at the crossing-point of the most important highways and railways in the country." (source: Wikipedia)
Here is a handy map of Italy. Look to the north to find Bologna:

So stay tuned for another edition of Rick's Roadshow: Bologna. You can bet your sweet bippy that I'll be blogging from Italy!
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill


  1. Can't wait to 'travel' along with you. Have a great time!!!

  2. oh you lucky duck! i have a dear dear blogger friend there!

    smiles, bee

  3. Whereas the first two lines of my post today would be..

    "Welcome to another edition of Rhodester's Roadshow. I'm taking a few minutes off from work to pop out to the parking lot and empty the trash."

    A charmed life indeed, dost thou lead.

  4. I loved visiting Bologna. We spent about a week there, taking day trips to Venice and Florence. Have a glass of Prosecco for me! Buona notte.

  5. bongiorno! (sp?) anyway.... you lucky bugger you. Enjoy. :) xo

  6. Rick, hi.. have a great trip..while there see if you can get a copy or two of the Italy IYA 2009 stamps.. (International Year of Astonomy) Nice stamps me thinks

    best wishes safe and enjoyable travels... Michael cddstamps

  7. Ciao! Looking forward to your Italian reports :)

  8. Sounds like a wonderful destination! :)


Thank you kindly.