Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Rome Wrap Up

Well my quick jaunt to Italy is over, and it's back to work for me today. It's amazing what taking even just a few personal vacation days can do to rejuvenate oneself. A long weekend in Rome is just the trick! I thought I'd do a Rick's Roadshow: Rome Wrap Up post today, featuring some photos I have not yet shared. It's a bit of a mish-mosh of images so I indulge your patience. At top left is a section of a waterfall at the Piazza Navona. Even though the face is a little creepy, I like the two dolphins on either side of him.

above: another water fountain on Piazza Navona

above and below: still in Piazza Navona, I took these photos to show the muted colors of buildings and the cafes along the edges.
above: The locals steer clear from restaurants on just about any main Piazza, as the food is geared toward tourists. I prefer to eat at smaller places on side streets where there are mostly Italians dining. But its fun to stroll through these areas and soak it all up!

above: In Piazza di Popolo ("plaza of the people") they had a demonstration of police dogs, who performed all sorts of crowd-pleasing maneuvers.
above: We found a quiet side street to relax with a few beers...

above: which were served with bruschetta and potato chips. I could do this everyday!
above: Now this is my kind of snack shop. Whole Parma hams hanging behind the counter, fresh cheeses and things that make you go: "Mmmmmmm"
above: Actually this photo is from a restaurant in Bologna, where I had had the traditional Tortellini stuffed with prosciutto ham served in broth. It was served in a giant tureen, so I had four bowls, not to let it go to waste! Yes, we ate very well in Italy, but isn't that what you'd expect? I'm back home now but ready to go back to Italy again. Following the legend, I tossed a coin over my back into the Trevi Fountain, to assure a return to Rome. I expect it to work.
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill


  1. I've been following your posts in reader-I'm sorry I haven't clicked over to comment this week...but as always, I thank you for sharing your trip with us. Italy is one place I HAVE to see before I die. It's been lovely watching yours.

  2. Nice men in uniforms with beautiful dogs :)

    Thank you for your reports on your "Italian job" and your sightseeing!

  3. As always, Rick, some fabulous photos and a lovely tour! I know I've said this before, but I do tend to repeat myself and I thoroughly enjoy when you and other bloggers take me on trips around the world like this!

  4. Oh Rome! I always take quick getaway trips over to Italy myself!


    Well my oh my! Look lovely! I'll be doing this hopefully before the year 3057 or before I die, whichever comes first.

  5. funny thing rick, the first time i went i tossed the coin into the trevi fountain and then went back, the next time i didn't and haven't been back. i should have tossed another one!

    smiles, bee

  6. Luscious! You're giving me the wunderlust again!

  7. I keep seeing your comments on Kellie's (Tea N. Crumpet) and Olivia's blogs, so I decided to visit. You're bringing back memories of the week Kathleen and I were in Italy in March of 1983. The Trevi Fountain had been drained for maintenance, but people were still throwing coins in. The next year we had our first of three children, and we haven't been able to go back since. Thanks for reminding me of a wonderful time.

  8. The Piazza Navona was one of our favorite places, and we did eat at one of the outdoor cafes there, and had a delightful meal. The same for Piazza di Popolo - excellent food! It also made for a good spot to eat the gelato we bought 2 streets over. I want to go back there and never return home!!

  9. It seems that every part of your trip was great. I'm so glad you get the opportunity to travel and share it with us.

  10. finally getting caught up on your travels, looks like a marvelous trip!

  11. What WONDERFUL pictures, Rick....I love seeing the streets and Cafe's and the Fountains too...PLUS Food, Glorious Food! (lol)

  12. I'm so predictable: I zoomed in the photos of the police dogs and the food!


Thank you kindly.