Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Miscellaneous Art in Rome

After a few days back stateside again I've settled back into my routine at home in Palm Springs once again. So today it's time again for a fresh edition of my Sunday Art Review. While in Rome I snapped a few photos here and there, thinking that it would provide good material for this post. Somehow I lost my notes on the names of these works, after being ever-so-diligent in keeping track. Oh well. Here I present a new edition of the Sunday Art Review: Miscellaneous Art in Rome. Above left is an oil painting by the great Vincent Van Gogh, depicting Jesus and Mary after the Crucifixion. It hangs in the Vatican Museum in Rome (or should I say, in Vatican City). Here are two random statues I found while exploring Rome. They are somewhere on Via Nazionale.

above: There are probably thousands of marble statues and busts in the Vatican museum. This one is of an emperor, notice the face emblem on his chest, its rather interesting.

above: it's not the real Thinker by Rodin, which is in France, but it's the cast.
above: a marvelous fresco painting by Raphael, The Crowning of Charlemagne.
I hope you enjoyed these random works of art from my trip to Rome. Have a Happy Sunday!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Wow, I did not know Van Gogh painted a crucifixion piece. Awesome.

  2. How wonderful to be surrounded by that much art. I don't think a short stay would ever be enough!

  3. Welcome back, we missed you SO MUCH! Palm Springs just wasn't the same without you.

    Okay, it was. Nothing really changed. But it's nice to know you're nearby again. Warm and tingly, that's me.

  4. how fun, these are wonderful examples of what makes Rome the epicenter of art in europe.

  5. The artwork is indeed stunning.

  6. The Rodin is interesting. There is a Rodin at the Cleveland (OH) Museum of Art. Years ago, it was damaged by an explosion. The Museum decided not to have it restored; it sits as it was the day it was vandalized.

  7. Lovely to see some "ART" from Rome....I've never Been to Rome--In fact, I've never been to Italy. I sure wish I had though.....What a GREAT Trip you had Rick!

  8. As you well know, everywhere you look in Rome there is a fabulous work of art of some type. I was so happy there.


Thank you kindly.