Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi...

Every week without fail, someone writes to ask my advice about visiting Palm Springs. Where to stay, what to see, where to eat or what to do. Being the Palm Springs Savant has become a bit of a side career for me; second to my "day job" where for the past 12 years I established myself in the pet industry. Sometimes these two worlds collide, which is interesting to say the least. For example, I recently addressed a pet industry conference and spoke about pet food retailing. During my presentation, a few attendees must have Googled me and ran across this blog. After my presentation concluded, several people came up and asked me not about my presentation, but about Palm Springs. Wild huh? I shouldn't be surprised, after all, Palm Springs has been around a lot longer than me and has a certain je ne sais quoi. As an unofficial spokesperson I should probably be better versed in that, but it seemed more trendy to throw in a well-placed French expression to end this post. Sure beats me writing another paragraph on why dog food is so interesting.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I was watching a show on hgtv the other day and a couple was buying a house in Palm Springs and all I wanted to do was get an IT job there. What a fabulous place to habitate! :)


  2. But WAIT!.....I had a very very good question about dog food and supplements a while back when you helped me......It was interesting to me! Hugs for a great PSP day.

  3. You really should start a dog-food blog, Rick. "The Alpo Savant" or something.

    So.. is that bus stop photoshopped? Fess up, John did that, right?

  4. RhodesTer- frankly I am shocked and dismayed that you would suggest a Photoshop job, NEVER!

  5. You're a man whose opinion is in demand. Live with it, darlin' - you cultivated it!

  6. :) I know who I'm going to when I plan a trip to Palm Springs! xo

  7. You help to give Palm Springs a certain Je Ne Sai Quoi (love that expression!) with all your wonderful posts Rick! I'm sure it's on the list of many people's must-visit places after reading your blog!

  8. so glad I come here. never know what you might find!
    I feed my girls, wellness, and bake their cookies. I am not a fan of baking, but I know what is in their cookies, and they love to sit and wait in the kitchen while I prepare and bake them.

    you rock, rickrockhill :) very cool about your presentation

  9. I have found out that blog comments on FB stay on FB. At the moment it's easier for me to camp out there, since doing bloggy things at work is against company policy. So I do miss you guys.


Thank you kindly.