Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Fantasy in Art

This week's edition of the Sunday Art Review brings a somewhat unexpected genre for me to present. I've been fascinated by the video game Oblivion, which is part of the Elder Scrolls series. I'm not an Xbox maniac, in fact I don't even play- John does. He plays and I watch. I am so fascinated by Oblivion, aside from an interesting story line, it has such enchanting music that I find myself drawn to it. When he plays Oblivion-sometimes for hours it is like I've entered the fantasy world and get to know all these interesting characters. This was the inspiration for this week's edition of the Sunday Art Review: Fantasy in Art. Mind you, none of this art has anything to do with Oblivion or Xbox, so there is my disclaimer up front. In the meantime enjoy these...

above: Dragon scene, by famed fantasy artist Rowena Morill

above: Moonlight, artist unknown

above: Unicorn, by well known fantasy artist Steve Roberts

above: Mermaid and the Unicorn, by Steve Roberts

above: Merlin, artist unknown

above: Lila, by Kate Dawidziak

above: title unknown, by David Michalczyk

above: an interesting combination of imagery. I found this image but it had no information attributed to it. Thought it would be an interesting piece to end this week's Sunday Art Review: Fantasy in Art. Thanks for stopping by!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. While this art form is not my cup of tea, I recognize how powerful it is for many. Many, many, many of my students, mostly male, would consume whatever they could of this fantasy genre in novels and when it came to composing their own short stories they threw themselves into it wholeheartedly.

  2. Kathy- I know what you isn't my thing either, but it does make me look for a brief glimpse. I've never been into fantasy or sci-fi too much. I like the odd story or two but never as a whole genre. That being said, I know plenty of people who do love it.

  3. I just love the unicorns! Beautiful :)

  4. don't much like this either. but still like to know about all things!

    smiles, bee

  5. I like the mermaid one!

  6. I just love the creativity in this genre.

  7. Well, next to velvet paintings, this kind of art has to be my least favorite. On a jumping off point though, I love the music from the Final Fantasy video games. I depend on my younger son to keep me a little in the video game loop.

  8. I'm not a big fan of this genre, but the artwork is well done.

  9. Back in the late seventies, I had a relative who had something along this genre of art sprayed onto the side of his van~~~you know the kind with the swivel seats in plush velour and with floor, walls and ceiling all covered in tufting and plush. Very groovy for the time. I think the motif on the van was something appropriated from a 'Yes' album cover. If I am not mistaken the van may have had smoke coming leaking out the vents.
    This art takes me back to that time. And that's not good.

    Meanwhile, I wanted to let you know that I am a recent reader of your blog, and I LOVE it. Great writing! Keep up the good work.

  10. Willy- pretty funny memory there, thanks for sharing. Also thanks for reading, and WELCOME~


Thank you kindly.