Friday, July 3, 2009

The Great Mollie Sugden has Passed On

The great British comedic actress Mollie Sugden has passed away at age 86. She was well known for portraying the the hilarious saleswoman Mrs. Slocombe in the popular BBC sitcom, Are You Being Served? that ran from 1972 to 1985. Being a retailer, it was one of my absolute favorite TV programs. When I lived in the Boston area I used to watch reruns of Are You Being Served? on PBS twice per night. Yes, I was a little obsessed with it. I could probably recite every line from every episode. Mrs Slocombe was so much fun. One time she was in Boston for a PBS membership drive and I met her. She was such fun. A naturally funny woman who had everyone in stitches wherever she went. We have not seen much of her in years but I shall remember and honor her wonderful humor.

Below is a naughty compilation of her character from Are You Being Served? when her character famously talked about her cat, in deadpan language....enjoy!

Mollie- Rest In Peace, the world lost a wonderfully talented comic today.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I don't know how on earth she could say that time after time with a straight face - and how the others could keep from laughing!!

  2. I used to watch the show! She was a lot of fun. What a great ife she had!

  3. I loved the series too and she was a grand old lady of British comedy. Respect!

  4. Say it isn't so!!! I loved that show and saw each episode at least three times! Three actors now gone: Mollie Sugden, Wendy Richards, and John Inman. (Of course Harold Bennett would be gone, too, I think).

  5. So many losses this year. I loved her too, her work will live on. (I didn't hear that she had passed on.)

  6. Sad, sad, sad. What great TV.

  7. Such a loss of a tremendously funny woman. So sad.


Thank you kindly.