Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Been a Matter of Priorities...

Golly, I sure have been busy. Scarcely any time to breathe let alone blog. It's quite unusual that I would let an entire week go by without a single blog entry, but it just came down to priorities. I was fighting a cold so the time I'd usually spend blogging I was trying to catch up on sleep. During the past week I've been swamped at work, off site meetings, and a trip to Las Vegas to attend the Natural Marketplace Conference and Trade Show. By coincidence, a fellow blogger Lyn was in Las Vegas the same time I was. I had grand designs to meet her at least for a drink and a photo. However I was so busy attending seminars that I never had the chance to meet up (sorry Lyn). Anyway I'm back. But just for one day. Tuesday I'm off to New York for a business trip. I should be able to squeeze out a few posts this week, as Rick's Roadshow resumes yet again. Have a splendid Monday!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I know why you didn't make any posts for the week. You've decided to try emulating my blog style, by procrastinating, testing the disorganized waters, as it were. Glad to see you found it as unsuccessful as I have but you're correcting that and I haven't done so as yet. Maybe tomorrow?

  2. hope you feel better rick!

    smiles, bee

  3. We all do what we can, right Rick? Safe travels to you.

  4. I took the trash out to the dumpster on Saturday, and cleaned the bathroom on Sunday.

    You win.

  5. I completely understand when other activities (like working, eating, enjoying time outside) present themselves. Enjoy your trip to NY. We leave for San Diego on Saturday!

  6. And I haven't been by in a long time, either! Sorry about that Rick....But I have very much enjoyed catching up with you!


Thank you kindly.