Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art

Last week the Sunday Art Review was on hiatus due to my rather hectic schedule of late. However, it returns today with a fresh new topic. Last night was a culinary feast at home. We made the most fantastic dinner of wild caught salmon , pan seared prepared with a sauce of basil, cream, scallions and white white. It was served on a bed of sauteed spinach and fresh asparagus, so it was healthy too. This culinary fare served as inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art. I hope you enjoy these pieces. The first one above left is an hommage to the great Julia Child. Marvelous, isn't it?

above: Chef with Wine and Bread

above: Chef with Turkey

above: Chef tossing pizza with dog watching, by Dena Marie

above: Chefs, by Susan Jenkins

above: Chefs at Grill, by Nina

above: Chef in Vineyard, unknown

above: Buitoni Chef, unknown

above: Chef at Work, by Sue Lynn Cotton
I hope you enjoyed this week's Sunday Art Review: Chefs in Art. Which one did you like best?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. You got me hungry once again!

    My favourite has to be Chef with Wine and Bread because he reminds me of this Italian chef called Nino Giovanni whom I knew as child. Nice association :)

  2. I'm a HUGE Julia fan. I grew up watching her from childhood until the time she passed. She's the stuff!

  3. Interesting art! I particularly like "Chefs" by Susan Jenkins.
    Your dinner sounds wonderful. Tonight I try to replicate the watermelon/tomato salad a la George's. I'll let you know how it turns out.

  4. I like them all, but Chefs by Susan Jenkins is the favorite.

  5. I really enjoyed these pictures Rick! But choosing a favorite? Rough work on that, buddy! I think my fav though is the Chef with the pizza - just something about it that hit me just right.

  6. I like the vert kast one, Rick...It is vry well painted and he is quite a serious chef....!
    Fun Subday Art subject, my dear....


Thank you kindly.