Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Name Shall I Choose...

The long awaited moment has finally come. This Friday evening we welcome a new member of the family to our home. Sheldon's 10 week-old half brother will become a lucky little doggie. I say lucky because he is about to strike the mother load of all parents to adopt. Working in the retail pet specialty industry I give our pets nothing but the very best available. And why not, they give us so much love in return. Anyway, we spent last weekend brainstorming names for the new little brown standard poodle boy. At one point I had 58 names typed up. With a Persian cat named Owen and a Standard Poodle named Sheldon, chances are that our new puppy will get an unusual name to match his two brothers. I thought I'd share the short list of names we have pre-selected so far. Of course, I always wait to meet a pet to actually name them, to see what traces of a personality emerge. We knew Sheldon was a Sheldon from the moment I took him in my arms. It will likely be the same with this new puppy. But it sure would help to narrow down this list further. This is where you come in; I'm interested in your opinion on which name you like best.
  1. Xavier
  2. Dexter
  3. Logan
  4. Tanner
  5. Milton
  6. Cedric
  7. Duncan
  8. Sidney
  9. Baxter
  10. Chester
Go ahead, leave a comment with your preference. I'll let you know by Saturday what we selected.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I vote for Duncan


  2. I'm leaning toward Dexter, be sure to try standing in your living room and calling out Sheldon, Dexter in a strong voice to see if they work together, because I'm sure you will be doing a lot of that in the next 6 months or more.

  3. I vote Duncan - but I have to say im partial to that because I had a Duncan. He was a GREAT dog! Another great name would be Thaddeus. A coworker had a Bichon named that and I always thought it was a great name. It would fit well with Sheldon and Owen.

    Can't wait to see more posts and photos after you get him!

  4. Chester pops out for me.

    How exciting!!

  5. I agree with the people on FB - He looks like a Milton. Kind of matches Sheldon, and they are poodle-brothers, so...

  6. I'm thinking he looks like a Chester. Quite a handsome young lad.

  7. What a great list of names - i think i like Chester best. Hope all goes well on friday!

  8. Dear friend,

    If I had a tail, you'd feel it's wag all the way from Mpls! This is such exciting news!!!!!

    I vote two thumbs up for Milton - can't explain it. It's just talkin' to me.

    And look at his face....oooooohh!!! Hugs,


  9. I suppose because I kind of have a "thing" for using words with the same letters together, my first inclination is towards "Sidney" -ya know, "Sheldon and Sidney." But I like Baxter and/or Cedric too! Rough call there, Rick.

  10. I vote for Baxter or Dexter. Don't choose Duncan; I know a little boy with that name.

  11. I have to agree with Lois. I love the name Duncan. Just sounds "poodleish" ...and you know, I know first hand, Rick.

  12. I like these: Logan, Tanner, Duncan and Baxter - but I think Milton goes better with Sheldon and Owen. You need that "N" sound at the end. Duncan fits, too.

  13. I like Logan, but think he looks like a Charles or James.

  14. Brad Schild says I like Dexter. He looks like a Dexter. Congrats on the new family member. Enjoy. Cheers Brad

  15. I don't care what his name is...I just want to come and PLAY WITH HIM!

  16. That pooch is no doubt a Milton

  17. Logan is what matched for me! That or Sidney.

  18. I'd go with Chester or cedric

  19. My short list of names that go well with Sheldon are:


    They all end with 'N' and I think you'll often call to them at the same time and they all kind of rhyme. He's beautiful and any name you choose will be the right one.

  20. Sidney sounds good to me! I can just see your next christmas card signed by:

    Owen, Sheldon and Sidney :)

  21. I think you should consider another name:


    To me, the other names sound like a group of porn stars.
    But that's coming from guy that was from St. Cloud, MN.


  22. OMG! how can I possibly share my poodle love with another?? LOL! My votes are:

    Yay!! Can't wait to meet him!

  23. I love the name Cedric!! I think that sounds like a perfect match to Sheldon and Owen!

  24. well before i read the list i was thinking winston. since reading the list i cast my vote for duncan.

  25. All good selections..I like Dexter. Hard consonants and a bit Jetson-like...

  26. What a lucky doggy indeed. And you shall call him...



Thank you kindly.