Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome Duncan Diggory Rockhill

I'm pleased to officially introduce the newest member of our family, ten week old Duncan Diggory Rockhill. He is a brown Standard Poodle and half brother of our Sheldon Gryffindor. He weighs fourteen pounds, with soft brown hair and has a sweet, outgoing personality. Duncan and Sheldon share the the same mommy, so when Sheldon arrived at the house he was happy to see his mom and grandmother too when he met Duncan for the first time. Sheldon and Duncan ran around the yard for an hour, enjoying their time with mom and grandma. Even Owen came for the trip. Yes, it was a family event. We made the 90 minute journey back home to Palm Springs; Duncan threw up once in the car- just a few car sick jitters I suppose, and nothing to do with my driving skills. When we arrived home, Duncan acclimated to his house in no time. Exploring, seeking and exhibiting no fear whatsoever. We finally selected the name Duncan after observing his personality and watching him interact with his two brothers. Duncan is a English/Scottish name that means "Brown Warrior". His middle name, Diggory is taken from the character "Cedric Diggory", from the Harry Potter series. Thus, both Sheldon Gryffindor and Duncan Diggory have a connection to the wonderful wizarding tale. All of the photos I took on this post are from his first few hours at home.

above: Young Duncan Diggory rests on the sofa after playing with his little horsey toy. He already knows the comforts of living the lush desert life.
above: Duncan Diggory endures the obligatory photos, despite being distracted by his brothers

above: Sheldon Gryffindor and Duncan Diggory play on the sofa. I love this photo because it shows the relative size of them both, and the wonder color of their hair.

above: Duncan decides to take a try at chewing Sheldon's giant knuckle bone

above: Owen looks on as Duncan watches his big brother Sheldon play on the sofa. Our family is bonding nicely. Stay tuned for lots of updates over the next few weeks!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Congratulations to both of you! Love the name of course. He is very handsome!

  2. It's a good thing he's not a human child going to public school with a name like "Duncan Diggory," because he'd see the inside of his locker pretty often.

    But he's not, and he doesn't even have a locker (that I know of, but he IS a Rockhill now so he may have one at the country club) so my heavens, I'm just all a-flutter that you have a new addition to the desert dynasty.

  3. duncan diggory. i like it! he is adorable. welcome to the family!

  4. Congratulations on the new pup. Ever since reading Travels with Charley by Steinbeck I have wanted a poodle. They are smart and they don't shed. Heaven! Alas, we were to become a Welsh Corgi family with 2 other rescue mutts. All wonderful.

    I am in PS to help send my brother on (he died 7/27) and to stay here to help his partner get thru this for awhile. So I was telling friends of theirs about your blog last night. My brother was 64 and died of AML leukemia. The 4 of us were going to "play" together now that we were all retired. I know you live your life to the fullest and that's a good thing.

    Nina from Nashville.

    P.S. Does it have to be so bloomin' hot?!!

  5. oh wow he is so cute! nice addition you have there!

  6. Duncan is a great Beauty, Rick! Such a pretty color...AND, that is a wonderful name. I just remembered that I know another dog named Duncan, too!
    You have a BIG BIG Family!
    CONGRATULATIONS on this Newest, Sweetest, addition!

  7. aww, Duncan is fitting in just nicely. Brown Warrior - I like that.

  8. Congrats and welcome to the nest!

  9. oh how cute! sorry to have missed the voting but your choice is certainly stellar!!

    smiles, bee

  10. Great name! And nice to see everyone getting along so well!

  11. What a lovely little thing Duncan D is! I love especially the last picture with Owen.

    I hope you all are very happy :)

  12. A perfect name for a perfectly cute doggie... but then I'm biased!


  13. Oh Rick -Duncan is just gorgeous! (The name is too, btw!) Ten weeks old and that big, 14 pounds? Wow! Not a little puppy like I had kind of envisioned you would be getting. I love the pics too -especially the one with Owen looking on. From his stance, I think he's mulling over what kind of fools these simple dogs are -his posture looks just a tad along the disdainful lines, don't 'cha know!

  14. Actually, I read that Duncan means "Dark Warrior" which is why I named my son Duncan. A good strong Celtic name. He is becoming a warrior in his studies of martial arts.

  15. He is gorgeous! He is going to be abig beautiful pood! Congratulations on his arrival. Caroline

  16. Thanks to all for the happy wishes and positive comments. Both Sheldon and Duncan came from a wonderful, responsible breeder who lovingly cares for dogs in her own home. My pets are part of the family and truly enrich my life every day. I think everyone's life is better with a pet, whether you get one from a breeder or a shelter. Either way, have a pet in your life, it makes a world of a difference!

  17. Oh, so Duncan's a RESCUE! You "rescued" him from the breeder, and the breeder "rescued" about four hundred bucks from your bank account.


  18. To Rhodester- Actually, my last comment was a supposed to be a diversion tactic from the truth. Both my dogs are really aliens from another planet, doing secret research here on Earth. I thought that story was charming and would detract from suspicions of their true intergalactic origins....

  19. Like we didn't already know that *snork*

  20. Perfect name. I liked the names that ended with an 'N'. He's a cutie pie and we'll get to see him grow just like we did with Sheldon.

  21. Oh, well I'm late to the game as usual and see you have chosen his name already. Owen looking at his dog buddies on that couch is priceless.

  22. I see you're continuing the Harry Potter theme. Duncan Diggory is a great name, I'm sure he'll be a wonderful addition to the household. Mazel tov. :)


Thank you kindly.