Friday, September 11, 2009

My Psychic Friend Says....

For some reason, last night I was drawn to call to one of my long time psychic friends in LA. She is a profoundly wise person- a true sage of sorts. She is modest about her "gift" and asks for nothing in return. It had been sometime since we last spoke, and she answered with an all-knowing greeting: "I knew you'd be calling sometime this week". I wanted to respond by saying "I bet you say that to everyone", but I thought better of myself. After a bit of small talk she retrieved her deck of tarot cards and directed me to ask one simple question. I did. She shuffled and shuffled her deck, and finally pulled the "Wheel of Fortune " card. Excellent, I thought. This card is all about good, big things: luck and always good fortune. She explained that this card indicates abundance, happiness, and a change that just happens, bringing great joy. I liked that answer and decided to leave it at that. Then, before we hung up, she told me to check my dog's paws. Strangely enough Sheldon had piece of gum stuck in between his paw pads in his hair. Crazy? I don't think so. That's just part of the excitement of having a psychic friend. It was a perfect way to start the weekend, with positive energy and confidence in the future. I wrote this for one reason. I want to share this positive karma with a few blogger friends who need it right now. They shall remain unnamed, but you know who you are.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. That's awesome, Rick...

  2. ((hugs))

    I absolutely believe in the supportive and positive powers of the universe. And albeit, amazing, I don't doubt it for a minute.

    Thanks Rick!!


  3. Writing to you from Florida---glad your future is bright. Happy news is so much better shared! Kathy

  4. I don't doubt it either, Rick. Let us know when the fortune happens.

  5. Oh that's amazing. One of my friends reads Tarot, but knows me well enough that I am wary of asking her to do a reading, plus old habits die hard (not dabbling). I do like reading the horoscope in the daily free metro paper, to see if it makes me laugh or if it resembles the day's reality in any way. This after avoiding it for years...

  6. You gave me chills! You certainly deserve it!!!

    'lil kim

  7. Thanks for posting this, Rick. I know you have no idea that I'm actually one of your readers who needs this right now, but thanks anyway.

  8. I think I need to speak with her, Rick.....
    I'm very Happy for you, my dear. It ALL sounds good! I love that she picked up something about Sheldon's Paw...!


Thank you kindly.