Friday, September 4, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Chicago- Final Day

Rick's Roadshow isn't especially exciting today, but I thought I'd write a quick post to let you know how much I've enjoyed being back in Chicago. The majority of my trip was spent on the south side of Chicago attending business meetings, but last night I went downtown for dinner at the famous Shaw's Crab House. This is the only photo I took all evening- it is of course the Chicago Theatre marquis, taken from within my taxi cab on State Street. Anyway back to Shaw's. It's the sort of place that people go for all kinds of fresh shellfish, oysters and sushi. It has a fun, comfortable atmosphere and offers delicious food. Since I am allergic to shell fish, I grazed on some calimari and had a nice salad. For my entree I went with a blue cheese encrusted filet, which was cooked to perfection. We had a dessert sampler, of which I had exactly one fork-full since I was so full. It was a fun evening, but I didn't stay out late as I had an early flight to catch to Providence, where Rick's Roadshow will continue. I'm taking today off work as a "personal day" so my travels will hopefully yield some fun photos to share. Hope you have a great Friday too!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Have a great day off and a safe trip home!

  2. Enjoy Providence and tell us all about it.

    You made me hungry - and I just had breakfast!

  3. Allergic to shellfish! That's just sad.
    Tell the family I said hello.

  4. I ate so much seafood in my youth (growing up in South Florida, seafood was consumed several times a week), that I was "allergic" to all things sea for years. I finally built up my immunity again; I hope I NEVER have to deny myself seafood again, but I love a good steak now and again...

  5. I am just catching up on your road show posts. What wonderful tales and photos!

    have a good weekend.

  6. nooooooooooooooooo!!! I could have met you for a martini at the W lounge--crap!! This is what I get for being away from here and sick.

    damn the man.

    next time!

    Glad you got to enjoy some nice weather--and see the set up for Oprah on the Mag mile this week. :)

    your chicago crust,

  7. Glad the weather here was nice for your trip. Sorry you didn't have a chance to do much other than business. Fannie May is great--I love the toffee.

  8. Oh! Thank God, the Font is a PERFECT Size for my eyes....It must be good old Blogger stuff....
    I LOVE that picture of the Theatre Sign....It is wonderful!
    Sounds like a lovely dinner, too!


Thank you kindly.