Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan: The Mud Bath Muddle

Yesterday all three kids went to the grooming salon for a much needed bath, haircut and mani-pedi. They enjoy going to the day spa, its fun to be with other dogs (and cats), enjoy a soothing massage and generally be pampered. Surprisingly, Owen doesn't mind going at all. His groomer, Ruthie loves to groom cats and he can sense it. He just sits there on her table and doesn't even try to move or run away. She just has a way with cats I suppose. Anyway, by the time they all returned home, they had all sorts of pent up energy. The first order of business was to inspect the house, afterall, they had been away for six hours or so and who knows what may have changed. In fact the house was infinitely cleaner, the floor had all been scrubbed, toys cleaned and laundry washed. Sheldon and Duncan decided to go out and play for awhile. And so with Owen watching from various window vantage points, the boys ran laps around the house, galloping and weaving between the rows of palm trees along the west side of the property. Every so often they would stop by the pool to catch their breath, panting like crazy. At one point I peered out and saw little wet foot prints all over the back patio. This couldn't be a good sign. They had just been back from the groomers and were all nice and clean. What could they have gotten into? Well I had forgotten about the sprinklers. Except one of them had gone awry while we were overseas, and it was just causing a little mud bath in one area of the yard. Naturally, the boys found it and thought it was great fun. And so those little wet foot prints along the patio were actually muddy footprints. All I could think about were my clean floors inside the house! We fetched some towels and corralled them both in the front porch. Time for a serious wipe down. They stood, panting and laughing as we carefully cleaned in between their toes, trying to remove the sand and dirt. They really are like little kids at times. It was just another day in the Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love reading this Sunday post. Brings me a smile, it's a dog's life!! :)

  2. kids and mud, just like cake and ice cream!

    smiles, bee

  3. Ha, ha!! Just like human babies. :) They bring me such joy when you share these stories.

  4. Sounds like they had loads of fun and I'm sure they thought it was funny that you had to clean their muddy feet off. Our furry children are so much like human children.

  5. My Welsh Corgi, Mojo, loves to play in a sprinkler when our next-door neighbor runs one. He thinks it's hilarious.

    Nina from Nashville

  6. Yep! Dogs (and cats too) are just like children -love to get into all kinds of things and can't pass up a good mud puddle!

  7. they did have loads of fun. and yes they are JUST like kids!!! They sure are fun tho....

  8. Oh no!!!!! At least they didn't roll in the mud! They didn't, did they?

  9. cute boys. Duncan is just growing up so fast!!!!


Thank you kindly.