Saturday, July 31, 2010

Palm Springs Life Magazine Feature: Dick Van Patten, A Man of Passion

The August issue of Palm Springs Life magazine has a wonderful feature story about my friend Dick Van Patten. (photo by David Blank, via Palm Sprngs website). You can buy this issue on news stands now. Read the article from the link below:
Dick Van Patten, A Man of Passion, Van Patten in Palm Springs

-Rick Rockhill

Friday, July 30, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: London

My trip is now officially winding down. Rick's Roadshow from London isn't really a roadshow, as I've been here so many times I rarely take photos anymore. Well that and the fact that I'm conducting some business means I am primarily working during this brief stop in the UK. I did, however have time to meet a Blogger buddy, (c) Karelian Blonde. We've been reading each other's blogs for several years now, and I finally had the opportunity to make contact! We met for a pint (or two) after work, to spend some time chatting about life, friends and the virtues of having a regular pub to call home. She is very sweet and a lovely person. Stop by and say hello to her if you have a chance. For those of you who have met other Blogger buddies, well you know how fun it is to meet.

above: Hard at work.
All kidding aside, a proper pub photo, like this is a must when you visit London. Well today its back to the old London salt mines for me. I probably won't post anything tomorrow as today will be a combination of being busy with a few last minute meetings and then I head back to the US. Thanks for joining me for Rick's Roadshow through Asia these past few weeks. I have many fond memories of Asia and appreciate the time you took to follow along.

-Rick Rockhill

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Dubai, UAE

My Asian World Tour has now officially drawn to a close. With just one more destination remaining until I return to the US, I am gradually moving closer to my home timezone. Rick's Roadshow from Dubai, UAE was merely a quick stop in this Persian Gulf nation, most of the time was at the airport quite honestly. The true reason for the visit was for a meeting and afforded no time to sight see. Dubai is one of seven emirates in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is very cosmopolitan. Located on the Arabian Peninsula, the main sources of income are oil and tourism. It boasts having the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa which is 828 meters, or 2,717 feet tall. That exceeded the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Taipei 101, (Taiwan); both of which I visited on this trip. My visit to Dubai was quite brief, with really just time for a business meeting and that's about it. I wasn't able to take any photos; being whisked to and from my meeting cameras were not permitted. In fact the only photos I managed to take during my brief visit were while I was truly alone- from the window of my airplane. Several of the photos I took while landing were too cloudy.

above: A so-so quality areal photo of the Dubai skyline. Sorry about my reflection in the plane window here. My zoom isn't that great.


above: My flight leaving Dubai headed to London had nice private pods stocked with a selection of beverages & snacks. It was one of those seats that turned into a bed, completed flat and with a door that closed for privacy. The little hand held console you see offered several camera view options of the plane- forward, behind and downward, which was interesting.

above: Emirates airlines have some of the best in-seat entertainment systems I've experienced. The screens are huge and have extensive options of movies, TV, and video games, all in multiple languages. So while I didn't have any great photos to share today, I can report that the Dubai airport is very nice, with some of the finest duty free shopping I've encountered so far (LOL). I've now arrived in London and am off and running. Rick's Roadshow continues...
-Rick Rockhill

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Singapore Day 3

Rick's Roadshow, Singapore returns with Day 3. This is my final day in Singapore, and in Asia. I next journey to Dubai, then London. Singapore was a fitting way to end my Asian World Tour. There is so much to do, interesting things to see, delicious food, and plenty of shopping (too much, really). Somehow, even after swearing I wouldn't buy another stitch of clothing, I broke down and bought some beautiful silk Chinese kimono-style robes. I'll go over the loot when I get back home and unpack it all. But for now, join me on today's journey through Singapore.

above: I visited a section of Singapore called Clarke Quay, adjacent to the Singapore River. There are a lot of restaurants, shops and a few bars too. Its very well laid out and a nice place to just stroll around.


above: the structures along the Singapore River are colorful and cheery, much like the streets of Singapore.


above: restaurants are perched along the banks of the river, offering perfect waterfront views to virtually any table.


above: everything you see is relatively new, but they did a nice job making it look like it has been around awhile.


above: these traditional Chinese style sweets were calling my name...

Sights of Singapore...

I wanted to have today's post include a few more photos to show just how colorful Singapore is. Look closely at not only the colors, but the shutters and details of the buildings. Click on the photos to biggify.

above: believe it or not, this is just a footbridge, pretty nice huh?

above: just a neat restaurant where I ate lunch.

One final temple, I promise...

above: Sri Mariamman Temple is Singapore's oldest Hindu temple. Mariamman is "Mother Mary" the goddess of disease and rain.

above: the temple doors...I like doors...


above: like many sacred temples, visitors must remove shoes at the main entrance.


above: Inside, the shrine was ornate with Indian deity. This temple is considered very holy to Hindus.

And Now for Some Miscellaneous Stuff...


above: sometimes I'm still 13 years old. This sign made me chuckle...


above: I like this building on Orchard Road, the famous shopping district within Singapore.


above: I saw this restaurant earlier today, which is what prompted this next photo:


above: On my last night in Singapore, I thought it fitting to order a "Singapore Sling" cocktail. Its a little fruity for my tastes, but it was a perfect way to wind down my time in Singapore.
Thanks for stopping by today. Tomorrow I leave Asia, I know I'll miss it. Next up I head to Dubai for a day and then onto London, so stay tuned! Rick's Roadshow continues...
-Rick Rockhill

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Singapore Day 2

Today brings another installment of Rick's Roadshow from Singapore, Day 2. Just for something different I decided to seek out photos of Chinese lanterns while walking around Singapore. It wasn't hard to find- several pet shops even had these iconic red lanterns, so even while working I was able to snap a photo here and there. There are some really nice lanterns throughout the city; they add not only color but create a festive atmosphere. So let's look at a few more Chinese lanterns, shall we?

above: some parts of Singapore have these lights running across streets.

above: you can find these lanterns in both residential and commercial streets


above: this was in a Chinatown shopping area.


above: or even in some contemporary restaurants. They are fun, aren't they?


above: I used my lunch hour to go shopping for another Buddha statue to take home. I didn't buy this one, as it was too heavy. But I did take a photo of it. Can you guess why???

My Visit to the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple

above: The exterior of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple. It contains a museum, cultural center and of course the temple itself. The museum has an impressive collection of art, historical items and an easy to follow exhibit about the origins of Buddha. As a student of Buddhism, I found it fascinating.


above: The temple entrance is quite impressive.


above: These guys flank the entrances on left and right side of the main door.


above: I case you have not noticed the past few weeks, I've been photographing doors of temples. Not sure why, but I seem to be attracted to temple doors.


above: this is the rear entrance of the temple. It is an offering room, where people can light candles, offer flowers or fruit, etc


above: the front side of the building, or the main temple. There is a huge altar to Buddha here. There was a prayer service going on when I visited. I presented some incense offerings and prayed for awhile, enjoying the traditional chant music.


above: a close up of the huge Buddha statues at the altar. They are really exquisite.


above: using my zoom camera, the guy in yellow is a monk or priest. He was chanting and tapping some chime constantly. The faithful were behind him, wearing black robes.


above: high above the temple walls are these beautiful dragon molding. Click on the photo, I hope you can decipher the details.


above: the temple has these really terrific Chinese light fixtures.


above: It also boasts an impressive collection of art and historical items. These three Buddha statues n gold were encased in glass for security.


above: this jade Buddha is stunning, isn't it?


above: the faithful brought fruit and water to pay homage.


above: more statues around the temple


above: I placed incense here too...


above: the walls around the main temple have these mini statues all over from floor to ceiling. Each little tiny statue is a person who have made an offering. There are probably hundreds of these in the temple walls.


Check out this quick video clip, and listen to the prayer chant:

Thanks for stopping by Rick's Roadshow from Singapore, Day 2. Please join me again tomorrow for day 3.

-Rick Rockhill