Saturday, July 31, 2010

Palm Springs Life Magazine Feature: Dick Van Patten, A Man of Passion

The August issue of Palm Springs Life magazine has a wonderful feature story about my friend Dick Van Patten. (photo by David Blank, via Palm Sprngs website). You can buy this issue on news stands now. Read the article from the link below:
Dick Van Patten, A Man of Passion, Van Patten in Palm Springs

-Rick Rockhill


  1. What a lovely article! I'm sure you are so proud to have him as a friend....

  2. Thanks Kathy. He is a great guy who really loves animals.

  3. I LOVE that we are both writing about "Van Patten" related topics---though mine is about Dickie's WONDERFULly talented Sister, Joyce.....I will read that article, Rick.....And Thanks for the link.

  4. WONDERFUL Article...! And I thank you for the link, because, I never would have known about it otherwise.

    And By The Way...His dear sweet sister Joyce and my very good good friend of almost 50 years is an Animal Lover, too....Dickie and Pat are truly wonderful people and so is dear dear Joyce. I met Joyce in 1962, and I met Dickie and Pat back in late 1963, when Joyce and I and 4 other actor/performers, were doing "Spoon River" on Broadway....Lord, that's a long time ago.

  5. Answer: EIGHT IS ENOUGH

    Question: What do I never say when buying a box of heavenly Krispy Kreme doughnuts?

    *This joke is approved by the Dick VanPatten Cornball Joke Society*


Thank you kindly.