Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Tokyo, Japan Day 2

Welcome back to Rick's Roadshow: Tokyo, Japan Day 2. Today was an excellent day of business meetings and market visits. We also had time to stop to see a few sights. This first photo above left is of Daibutsu, the Japanese word meaning "Great Buddah". Its name is The Great Buddah of Kamakura. It is a truly magnificent structure for sure. Built in 1252 A.D and made of bronze, it remains a national treasure of Japan. Seeing this was a nice way to kick off my Asian World Tour, here are few more:

above: when you enter the grounds of the Diabutsu to see Kamakura, visitors must wash their hands, Asian style in this structure.

above: A decorative something or other right Buddah.

above left: seated at the base of the stone that reads "Kamakura"

above: I suppose these are Kamakura's sandals.

above: Me posing before the great Buddah, Kamakura.

above: "The Old Building, built in the 15th century in the Japanese Garden.

above: a side view of one of the entrances to the Imperil Palace, where their emperor lives. I was fortunate to be able to visit the Palace with my honorable Japanese colleague, but I cannot share other photos or write about it.

above: Just some local architecture to give you an idea for what I saw yesterday.

above: I like this photo. If you look closely you can see a Japanese woman in traditional garb.

above: Japanese snack stand.

above: a souvenir shop was calling my name.
The Lights of Tokyo

You may notice from the photos I've posted from Japan that I have not included photos of the sprawling city. Tokyo is a huge city, with very tall modern buildings. I chose to show a different side of Tokyo so far.

Those last few photos were a little blurry, but you get the idea. We had a really delicious dinner, followed by an evening of Karaoke. The Japanese LOVE their karaoke, and I don't exactly need much encouragement to start away I went. Tomorrow I head to Korea, so stay tuned!
-Rick Rockhill-san


  1. Rick-san! So what did you sing??? I like the older, stately side of Tokyo. It's beautiful and peaceful.

  2. Kathy- Well, I sang Copacabana (Barry Manilow), Strangers in the Night (Sinatra), Hotel California (Eagles), America (Neil Diamond) and a duet with a Japanese girl, Always (I forget the band). Anyway they created a monster in me with that darn karaoke!

  3. Your pictures are great! It sounds like you're having an interesting trip so far. Take care. :)


Thank you kindly.