Sunday, September 26, 2010

Which Poodle Note Card Do You Prefer?

Card #1 a gift from my deal friend Candy
 Some time ago a very dear friend gave me a set of note cards with a standard poodle on them. I liked them so well, I was careful not to use them up until I found a source to re-order them (which I did). Yesterday I was shopping on Palm Canyon Drive in downtown Palm Springs and stopped into Cold Nose, Warm Heart, a shop with great gifts for dog and cat lovers. Whenever I go into a store with pet related anything, I search for poodle-anything. 
Card #2 I just bought this one
I was thrilled to find some new note cards with a standard poodle. I thought I'd ask your opinion on which note card you prefer before I buy more. You see, I *love* to send hand-written notes to people. I suppose I'm a bit old fashioned that way. Being a standard poodle fan, I just love both note card styles. Although both feature a black poodle, so poor Duncan is not represented I'm afraid. Oh well. Anyway, which note card style do you prefer?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I think I like the bottom card the better of the two. Looks like it would be more representative of sweet Sheldon. IMHO anyway.

  2. I like both of them, but for 'you' the second, it reminds me of Duncan.

  3. The second one is nice, and I like the print itself, but the first one looks like it would be you with your pup. It's more "representational" of your life.

  4. #2! It has a realness that I prefer. The other is cute but is 'flat', if you know what I mean....Anyway, just my opinion.

  5. I prefer card #2.
    Why not take a photo of the furry kids and make your own note cards?? That's what I do with our photos. That way, none of your babies will be slighted.
    I like to send/receive note cards, too. Do you want my address??? :)


Thank you kindly.