Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why More Guide Dogs are Needed

I mentioned in a prior post that September is National Guide Dog Month, and that I would be blogging regularly about it over the next few weeks. We're trying to raise one million dollars this month to help provide more guide dogs to people who cannot see.There are over 20 million people in the US alone with some kind of visual impairment. Being legally blind shouldn't mean a person has to move in fear, hoping not to stumble. The leading causes of blindness are cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration & diabetic retinopathy. In addition, 13% of our active military return home from war with eye injuries. Despite all this, only a very small percentage of legally blind people ever get a guide dog. Thankfully there are several accredited guide dog schools around the country who provide guide dogs to the blind for FREE. I've been involved with a local school here in the Palm Springs area, Guide Dogs of the Desert. They place guide dogs all over the country, although primarily within the South west region of the US. I visited their facility a few weeks ago to see the latest guide dog puppies, ready to be placed in the home of a volunteer puppy raiser for 18 months. Then they are returned to the guide dog school for formal guide dog training. I cannot imagine giving up a puppy after raising it like my own pet. I have such respect for the puppy raisers who can do that. I'd like to share this incredible video with you about guide dogs. It is 7 minutes, so settle in with a nice cup of cawfee and enjoy it. It's well worth your time to watch. 

If you would like to help and make a donation in any amount ($1, $5, $10, $20...) just go to to donate online. Its fast and easy. Please consider helping today. I'd really appreciate it if you would also consider posting a link on your own blog to this post so that others can see this video. I need help to get the word out quickly so we can reach our million dollar fund raising goal this month.
-Rick Rockhill

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