Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Fundraising Drive Needs Help....

Regular readers know that I try to help raise money for non-profit accredited guide dog schools in the USA. September is National Guide Dog Month, and we're trying to raise $1 million. The facts on blindness are startling-- every 7 seconds someone in America goes blind or visually impaired. Guide Dogs truly help provide independence to the blind, and are given to blind people for FREE. There is no government funding for guide dog schools, they solely rely on private donations. Here is where you come in. Our fundraising drive this month is going just OK. We're behind in our goal to reach $1 million this month. 

So I'm asking you to consider doing a post on your own blog, Facebook or Twitter to get the word out. And if there is any way you can donate even a few dollars, it would really make a difference. You can find loads of information about the cause from a bunch of places online, such as Wikipedia, from my employer's website, Natural Balance, or through the online donation page.
AND, if you donate $20 online, you even get this super cute plush guide dog, isn't that awesome? Well anyway thanks for anything you can do, we need some help raising money this year. 

To donate NOW, click here, its FAST AND EASY. (special thanks to the petco foundation a registered a 501(c)(3) animal charity who is helping collect and disperse 100% of funds we raise).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the information and plug about the Guide Dogs. Too often too people forget -or maybe just don't realize -that these dogs are trained workers not just to aid the blind but for folks with many other types of disabling factors -one of which is to assist people with autism! Very much these animals are needed entities to enable many people to live a very worthwhile life!


Thank you kindly.