Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rick's Roadshow: Vienna, Austria

I have been traveling again here and there. Recently I had a brief business trip to Vienna, Austria. My time was exceptionally limited but in between meetings and such I snapped a few photos along the way, as I always try to do while traveling. Vienna is a delightful European city, and exceeded my expectations during my brief visit.
Vienna has old world charm but is thoroughly modern in what it has to offer to visitors. The architecture alone is amazing, a wide range of influences including Renaissance, Roman, Greek, Gothic and German. With every step I gazed in awe of the details along windows, edifices, doorways and bridges. The cathedrals and small churches are inspirational and inviting.
No visit to this region would be complete without a beer garden, sausages and local Viennese cuisine. At the suggestion of my business colleague, lunch one day was at Plachutta, a well known group of restaurants locally owned. I had the Wiener Schnitzel which is one of their specialties for sure. In general the food in Austria was very good, and the locals are quite friendly. Just next door to the restaurant was Moulin Rouge (see below) but I was too busy to every go in at night.

The Vienna Opera House at night

An example of the architecture I enjoyed so much

Spending time in meetings with business colleagues is important, but it is also good to spend time in the evening relaxing and enjoying the local culture. This was exactly the case one evening when I attended the symphony to hear "The Sound of Vienna" a classical concert of Strauss and Mozart. Held in the magnificent Kursalon, built in 1865 in a Renaissance style, it is a truly splendid setting to hear the music of these celebrated and revered composers.
During the intermission, I ventured outside onto the terrace of the concert hall. It was a foggy night, but I was struck by the beauty of this view. The building was dramatically illuminated, and the dome of a nearby cathedral was just visible through the fog. It was a memorable evening without a doubt.
The concert included several intervals of ballet, as well as several opera performances mixed in. Sitting in the audience, I tried to imagine what it was like to live here in Vienna during the time when Mozart walked these streets, and presented his music of the day. I closed my eyes and gave thanks for the blessings of my life, to have had the opportunity to experience such beauty and culture. Needless to say Vienna made quite an impression on me. I would recommend a visit to this wonderful city should you have the opportunity to visit sometime.


  1. You are lucky to get to go to such wonderful places in your business.

  2. Lovely report Mr Rockhill! I have been to Vienna once and loved it!

  3. Although I traveled extensively throughout Europe, never made it to Austria. Nice shots.

    Nice blog work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the Nav Bar located at the top of my site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.

  4. When my son was in the Army back in the late 90s, he was stationed a while in Germany and Austria and had some opportunity to travel around a little in those areas and the architecture was something that totally fascinated him in those places he was able to visit! He would agree 150 percent with you on this post!

  5. Your time may have been limited, Rick...But you STILL manage to give us a wonderful feel for this BEAUTIFUL City...And, you get in a lotr in your limited time!

    Just stopping by to wish you a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING, my dear.


Thank you kindly.