Thursday, January 26, 2012

Midnight in the Garden

Recently I've shared a few posts about a series of improvements to the grounds at home. It has been a year-long project...not because of it being a sprawling estate, but more because it takes time and money. I also like to allow enough time for the full creative process to unfold. For example, this giant Buddha in the garden finally has the right lighting and greenery adjacent. The lighting is amazing isn't it? The effect makes it appear Buddha's head is floating above the pedestal. I'm especially pleased with this element of the gardens. All the crushed Palm Springs Gold rock is in place and beautiful. The cactus, succulents and palm trees are all happily established and ready for prime time.
You may recall my post earlier in the week about the boulders I purchased for the front courtyard. Here they are at night, with the new landscape lighting in place. I didn't adjust the color at all on the photos of these rocks, although admittedly part of the rich hue is from contrast in night with the shutter exposure. Regardless they do look magnificent, don't they? I just love my boulders! It is too dark in this photo to see the plants but one they grow in around the boulders they will really look swell. 
Here is another photo I took in the garden, but a few hours earlier...just past twilight. If you look beyond the palm fronds, you can see the dark ridge of the San Jacinto mountains, and if you look up a tad bit in the top left corner you can see a beautiful star in the night sky. For some reason I just really like this photo. At any rate,the good news is that the grounds are now complete and I can enjoy them. One of my favorite things to do is sit outside with my dogs...with a glass of wine in hand--and star gaze. Life in the California desert is especially good this time of year. I'm blessed to have all of this to enjoy.


  1. now you can sit back and enjoy it in all it's beautiful glory!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to so enjoy something you have worked hard to complete and that is part of your daily enviornment....Your Home!!
    Lovely, LOVELY!!

  3. It looks really amazing Rick! Great job, and thanks, as always, for sharing!

  4. Enjoy indeed, from all your time and energy.

    Yes, the Buddha has the illusion of hovering. Very cool.

    Your garden is gorgeous.


Thank you kindly.