Sunday, March 4, 2012

Konstandinidis Bakery in Athens Greece

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In a recent visit to Greece, I stopped by a local bakery in Athens called Konstandinidi's or at least that what I think the name it in English. Their website takes forever to load, so be patient if you click through. It is one of those old fashioned bakeries that still make everything they did when the family first started. The bakery was wonderful. The shop had the most incredible aroma that it was impossible not to buy something.  
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Gazing over trays and trays of cookies I was gaga. One of the bakers let me taste these white powdered sugar cookies, which were like the "butter ball" cookies my grandmother used to bake. They were so delicious that i bought 2 pounds...or should i say 1 kilogram size box of them.
You only have to look at this photo to see what I mean. It was a veritable feast for the eyes. Drizzles of chocolate, swirls of honey, sprinklings of sliced almonds, it was all so delicious. Baked goods are my kryptonite. Cakes, cookies, breads, pastries, that is the secret weapon to disarm me in seconds flat. Or at least get me to part with my Euros. Needless to say that it was one of the best bakeries I have ever visited. So if you are ever in Athens, Greece, stop by. I can't even tell you the website because it is all in Greek! 
If you can read Greek, maybe this will help you identify the bakery!


  1. mmmmm......i've given up sugar for a while but now i am very hungry for a big slice of galaktaboureka!

  2. I know what you mean about baked goods being kryptonite...LOL

  3. Oh my! Seeing all those goodies there made me suddenly as hungry as I got yesterday after church, looking at the 3 heavily-laden tables of all kinds of foods for the pot-luck dinner we had for our Pastor who is leaving us this week -moving to Wisconsin. Food is such a salve as well as exciting -at times -even when it is just in pictures


Thank you kindly.