Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sheldon Gets an iPawd

Many of you know that Sheldon Gryffindor my black standard poodle has quite a following on Twitter. He tweets under the handle @SheldonGryffin and loves all the attention. But with fame comes a price. Sheldon has been besieged by fans who want to hear from him more frequently. So under duress, I broke down and bought Sheldon an iPawd. For a busy social media pup like him, an iPawd is just what he needs to keep up. The touch screen is much more responsive for his paws, instead of the keys on a keyboard. He can see the screen better too. So if you have a chance, say hi to Sheldon on Twitter @SheldonGryffin. 
He has been helping out to promote Who Let the Dogs Out, so he's a Hollywood dog living in Palm Springs. Amazing. These dogs live quite the life.


  1. Awesome Sheldon!
    (I got one yesterday too) Bet you'll be more skilled at than me, maybe you can show me how ;).

  2. Awesome Sheldon!
    (I got one yesterday too) Bet you will be better at it than me, maybe you can show me how!;)


Thank you kindly.