Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Take the Time

I'll assume you are about as busy as I am. The days-weeks-months-years-decades just seem to fly by. It seems like only yesterday I was 30. Heck it seems like yesterday when I turned 40. Alas, time has a way of escaping us all. Indeed. I often quote Ernest Hemingway who said: "Time is the least thing we have". Whether you are busy raising kids, starting a business, singing in a band, waiting tables, enjoying retirement, searching for a job, or running a mega corporation, time slips away from all of us. It is the great equalizer. So why is it so difficult for us to slow down and appreciate things to live in the moment? My father died when I was quite young. If I learned nothing else from his death, it was the importance of living life to the fullest and appreciating every second that we are alive. That's why I tend to have a certain "joie de vivre". Its why I live in Palm Springs too, I love it here.

Even something small like treating oneself to that glass of champagne once in awhile. What are you waiting for? Go ahead, smile. Have a glass and let the bubbles tickle your nose. Whatever your equivalent to the glass of champagne may be, go for it. The point is, give yourself permission once in awhile to live. If you wait too long, you could be dead. And you wouldn't want that to happen now would you?

1 comment:

  1. How coincidental your post today. It is beautiful. Btw.
    I received a call about my dear aunt who is in ICU with kidney failure, cancer found and not doing well. She was well a week ago when we spoke. I am on my way to visit. But. Your post is a reminder to live and enjoy. For u never know what each day has in store.
    Thank you for your always uplifting musings.


Thank you kindly.