Thursday, October 25, 2012

Arrrrgghh Pirate Attack at Barkworld

My how time passes so quickly. Its already time for the BarkWorldExpo annual social media conference kicked off today in Atlanta, Georgia. Well, actually at the Westin in Buckhead, a lovely suburb of Atlanta.  I've attended this social media conference for several years now and always find it interesting and stimulating too. 
This year I was delighted to serve as emcee at the opening event for Barkworld. I introduced 'Norman the Scooter Dog' as he performed at Barkworld, kicking off the Howl-O-Ween Costume Contest. I decided to dress up in a costume, so as host I would fit in with all the contestants. I chose a pirate costume, which was kind of dun actually. Here I am with Norman before he went out on stage for his opening performance. He really is one amazing dog. There were some really fun costumes, and great prizes too. Sponsors for the evening included Petco, Bayer, ASPCA, and The Atlanta Dog Spa.

I was happy to represent my company, Natural Balance Pet Foods as the emcee for the evening. If you are attending Barkworld, please stop by our booth and say hello. Or send me a tweet @RickRockhill or @NaturalBalance using the hashtag #Barkworld I'd love to say hello and meet you.

If you are not attending Barkworld this year, checkout their website to follow along, there are some live stream opportunities. You can also follow the stream of posts by following the #Barkworld hashtag.


  1. You're a "good" pirate, right??? Hugs!

  2. Love the pic of all of us! So great to see you again, but as always, there was not enough time to visit!
    Till next time,
    Diane and Cosmo


Thank you kindly.