Tuesday, January 27, 2015

As requested...an update on the kids

Since I resumed blogging, a few faithful readers from years ago have asked about Sheldon and Duncan. So today, as requested here is a quick update on the kids.

Sheldon and Duncan have grown into fine adult poodles, well mannered, smart as heck and total charmers. Like any self-respecting Standard Poodle, they enjoy their multiple residences, and travel effortlessly between Palm Springs, Burbank and the Los Angeles area. Duncan is as mischievous as ever, but is a very sweet natured boy. Sheldon is an absolute lamb...except when he torments his brother and chases him around the house, running, bobbing and weaving between tables, side chairs and plants like total maniacs.
All joking aside, Sheldon and Duncan are best pals and love being together. They go hiking in the foothills, and also love the bike/pedestrian jogging paths to take in all the sights.

Having standard poodles in your home is  like having a housemate. They are not quite the same as having just any pet. They view humans as their equals (and I'm OK with that). They are thinkers--even listen to conversations and respond/react in their own manner. I joke with some of my human friends that I don't need to watch TV or read because these two keep me plenty amused. One of my famous friends recently remarked to me: "I think Sheldon is listening to our conversation." (As we chatted on the sofa, Sheldon was seated next to us listening and eventually turned his head away). I replied to my famous friend, "Of course Sheldon is listening, but I can tell he is bored by you now." At that exact moment, Duncan who was laying on the floor exhaled deeply and sighed, making a loud groaning noise. My famous friend joked that thankfully Sheldon and Duncan didn't buy movie tickets. 

The kids are quite well, even if the are bored by celebrities, they find plenty of entertainment in their dad everyday.


  1. Rick, you just made me smile big today. So glad to see you! I hope life is treating you well. I'm a west coastie now. Living in the Seattle area. Loving it.

    So nice to see your babies all grown up. Missed your smiling face. <3

  2. What a couple of characters Those two are! Glad you are all doing well.

  3. Yay! Thank you for the update. They are beautiful, as ever.

    I've been trying to compile some pictures for an update in my blog-Our babies arrived on 1/23! Hope to share soon.


Thank you kindly.