Thursday, February 5, 2015

Zarhill Partners Group Expands

For 27 years, my professional career has been focused in retail and branded marketing companies. The past twelve years have been in senior executive leadership positions in sales, merchandising, innovation, product development, marketing and operations. I've been blessed to work with some talented individuals across a broad array of top companies. The most recent 18 years have been within the pet specialty industry. Over these years I've traveled to all fifty states in the USA, much of Asia, the EU & some Latin American markets. It has been a fantastic quarter-century of professional experience and hard work. 

About two years ago, I began looking to the future to think about the next 25 years. As a result, I co-founded Zarhill Partners with my business partner. 

Zarhill Partners Group is a consulting firm originally founded to assist small businesses and start-ups for success in their early years. Our mission is to share and cultivate best-in-class business practices, knowledge and expertise with emerging organizations to ensure their success. We assist companies and organizations with a range of services such as strategic business planning, brand management, retail sales development, e-commerce & digital marketing, international business platforms, and product development innovation. 
With more than 50 years combined experience working in the corporate business world, Zarhill Partners Group also owns and operates a small independent retail business: Memento Gift Shops which is a boutique retail experience located in Palm Springs, California. This keeps us true to our retail heritage and is fun too. 

During these past two years, I continued with my own professional corporate career full time, as Zarhill Partners Group gradually became established. While I was not able to dedicate much time or energy to this venture, the time finally arrived when I was able to make the decision to make a transition. 

After two years of planning and investing resources, I have joined my own consulting firm, full time. Zarhill Partners Group expands...and I couldn't be happier. 
Need business consulting services? Contact us at our website.


  1. Good for you Rick! Great success to you!!


  2. Congratulations Rick, you are an amazing person and deserve all the success you created !


Thank you kindly.