Tuesday, June 10, 2008

From the Department of Mysteries...

What does it all mean? In order to answer that question properly, I suppose one needs to ask: It depends on what the definition of "it" is. In this case, "it" refers to the activities and events surrounding our lives. The things that we do all day. The way we spend our time. The places we go and the people we see. We're all so busy, going here and there. Running back and forth, busy-busy-busy. All the time. But doing what exactly? What is it we are doing and what does it all mean, anyway? And what do we do it? Before I go any further, I should mention that I am in a perfectly healthy state of mind, and in a good mood, just rather reflective at the moment. I believe that this is an essential question to ponder. The answer undoubtedly will vary from person to person, but will help bring order to your life. It's one of those "What matter's most?" questions. So I ask: What does it all mean? Do yourself a favor and think about it for awhile. Then think about how you spend your time. Make sure it means something.
this post is brought to you by:
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It means that people love a good mystery. Each day is a page turner.

  2. Oh this is too taxing for my brain so early in the morning! Lemme have a cup of coffee before I ponder "it".

  3. it's a thing i ponder frequently. maybe too much.

  4. sigh... homework rick? oh, okay, off i go to ponder a bit! ha ha

    smiles, bee

  5. It means whatever you want it to mean, one day at a time. For me, no regrets.

  6. I very weighty and interesting question. Can I ponder it for a bit and get back to you?? LOL

  7. Oh, I try not to think about "what does it all mean?" too much...maybe because whatever it means I am too old to make it any different...And THAT'S okay! I just go on, living my life as best I can, and trying to give back to others as much as I can. Creativity is what keeps me going....And I don't try to analyze it all, too much....Just go on and life my life creating, and what it all means or doesn't mean will take care of itself, or not!

  8. I often ponder the meaning of it all, but if I do that too much I tend to get depressed. But blogging is certainly one form of therapy.

    And free!

  9. Going away and coming back home often leads one to have moments like this. It's always healthy to have a life check and see if you think everything is as it should be.


Thank you kindly.