Friday, June 27, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Funny License Plates

Driving back between Palm Springs and San Diego I have plenty of time on the road, often as a passenger to observe cars zipping along the highway. One of my favorite past times is to look for funny license plates on cars. The other day I saw one that read "CRZYFOOL" which made me chuckle. That was this week's inspiration for another scintillating edition of
The Saturday Seven: Funny License Plates.
I should confess that I found all these license plates on the Internet, but they amused me...

#1 I Farted, New Hampshire

#2 "Hi Officer", Nevada
#3 "I Hate Work", Nevada

#4 "I'll Sue You" , California
#5 "Sneezy" , Michigan
#6 "Vasectomy", Alberta, Canada
#7 "Oh My God, What The Fudge" , California (this is a family-friendly blog you know)
Have you seen any funny license plates out there? Go Ahead, leave a comment, it's FREE!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. There is one in my building at work. It's a Saab and the plate says SNAAB. It's always struck me as funny - and that the driver has a good sense of humor.

  2. these are pretty funny, thanks for the morning laugh.

  3. I always look for them, but seldom remember them. There is a whole thing going on here in NC now about a bevy of new plates being issued with the prefix WTF. An older woman got one and when her children told her what it stood for, she called the DOT and demanded a new plate. They have decided to give new plates to anyone who was assigned one of those, if they ask. I think they printed about 2000 of them.

    There is an anesthesiologist here whose plate says "Ised8u"

  4. Oh these are great. I'm glad you have the good common sense in high level traffic to take pictures for your blog while on the freeway.
    You're a true blogger to the core.

    Very funny stuff.

  5. I love funny plates. They make my day! I see them all the time but I can't remember any right now. Maybe if I remember any later, I'll share them with you!

  6. I have a little story about license plates.

    Years back, I was in a struggle with someone dear to me and we had a falling out. I asked for an omen if he was thinking of me and if we would ever talk again. At that moment, I was in traffic and I looked up and saw a license plate from the state he lived in. He called me almost immediately after, and we have managed the most wonderful friendship for over seven years.

    So now, whenever I see a license plate from a state where I'm friends with someone from, that means they are thinking of me. So if you see any WI plates there, that means I am thinking of you. :)



Thank you kindly.