Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Fun with Cards

The topic of this week's Sunday Art Review is "Fun with Cards". Perhaps after tomorrow's post this will make more sense, but let's live in the moment, shall we? Cards have famously been used in art for centuries. Maybe not fine art, but, art none the less. Alas, art is subject to interpretation, n'est pas? Within this weekly series, I try to cover a wide range of art types. Take for instance this image, which is a wall display of folded cards.It may be difficult to ascertain from this photo, but there is a great deal of depth and texture to this piece. It is an unexpected treat for the eyes, particularly how it trails off at the bottom. The artist has given this piece a sense of movement, frozen in time, which is why I selected this as the feature for this Sunday Art Review post.
Fun With Cards: Dogs at Play

above: "Big Dog Poker"

above: "Wall Street Canines"

above: "The Tough Guys"

above: Mice playing cards
Which one do you like best and why? Go ahead, leave a comment. It's free and ever so easy to do!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. being an avid card player and doodler, i might have to doodle one myself! thanks for the idea rick!

    smiles, bee

  2. How Fun! I like BIG DOW POKER best, I also like THE TOUGH GUYS. the mice are cute but they creep me out.

  3. I LOVW the Cards Collage! It is so beautifully executed and very imaginative! Who is The Artist, Rick? I could live with that Work Of Art, in a Heartbeat!

  4. I lOVE the card collage! It is a perfect metaphor for someone losing their mind! I also like Big Dog poker, but I wouldn't want to live with it.....LOL

  5. the mice playing cards is so cute and totally unexpected.

  6. oh i love that top one. i'd love to see it in person. pretty fascinating, like 3D op art.

  7. Don't ask me why ('cause I couldn't explain it), but those Wall Street Canines crack me up!

    Love that first piece. The texture is intriguing.

  8. I know after a rousing game of fetch my doggie enjoys playing poker.

    Hey, you've officially been tagged! To see what's up, see this post on Small & Big. Depending on how you feel about mems, either You're Welcome or I'm Sorry.

  9. My favourite is "big dog poker"...have always been a sucker for a pretty face..even when it is a furry one..



Thank you kindly.