Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Poodles in Art

Regular readers of this blog know how much I love animals. On Saturday we welcomed a new pet to our home, a standard poodle puppy. In tomorrow's post I will introduce you to our new little guy. In honor of our new poodle, the theme of this week's Sunday Art Review is Poodles in Art.

First a few facts from our friends at Wikipedia:
* Poodles come in many colors including black, blue, white, red, apricot, silver and brown.

* The name poodle comes from the German word Pudel, which is short for Pudelhund, which means "splashing dog". This reflects the breed's use as a water dog .
* Poodles have hair instead of fur, causing them to be non-shedding and hypoallergenic
Now here is more Poodle Art for you...

above: Poodle Trio

above: Poodle Martinis

above: "Poodles on Parade"

above: "Poodle Cycle"

I hope you will stop back Monday to meet our new Poodle puppy...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to see photos of him. The girls and I have been watching your blog for the news!

  2. I love the last two pieces of art.
    What have you named him?

    My cousin had 2 black standard poodles back in the 60's, named Amos and Andy. They were wonderful dogs.

  3. you have a puppy??? oboy!

    smiles, bee

  4. I look forward to meeimg your new puppy, Rick....
    The"ppodle art" pictures are fun!

  5. Looking forward to seeing the photos of your new arrival Rick. I've always loved poodles. When I was growing up, my grandparents always had a black poodle. He was lovely.

    By the way you can read about my adventures in Spain by following the link shown below:-

  6. I send kisses to the cold nose of your sweet poodle!

  7. Welcome to the newest member of your house. Can't wait to see the pics.

  8. Congratulations on your new family member! I had a silver toy poodle that I rescued when she was 5yrs old. She was the best fur baby one could ask for. Smart and loving. Enjoy your new baby!


Thank you kindly.