Monday, January 5, 2009

Gearing Up For The Palm Springs International Film Festival

Once again, Palm Springs in buzzing with last minute preparations for the 20th annual Palm Springs International Film Festival which begins this week. This year's film festival is slated to screen 210 films from the US and 72 other countries. An impressive 77 films are premier screenings, (14 world premiers, 48 U.S. and 16 North American). Our festival also boasts a significant number of films nominated for Oscars In fact, The Desert Sun newspaper lists that we are screening 50 of the 67 films submitted for Best Foreign Language Film Academy Awards. if you live nearby, I highly recommend checking out as many of the films as you can. The best way to enjoy the film festival is to purchase a pass. Click here to find out more. If you live out of town, there are plenty of good hotel deals to be found here in Palm Springs.

The Palm Springs International Film Fest kicks off Tuesday night, January 6th with the annual black tie star-studded Awards Gala, featuring Clint Eastwood, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Ron Howard, Dakota Fanning, Amy Adams, Anne Hathaway and Dustin Hoffman. Our festival also attracts a number of other high profile celebrities who either live in Palm Springs or visit to attend the Awards Gala. I've blogged about the film fest for several years; regular readers may recall these photos from last year's event, when I met teen heart throbs Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens, among a several of other interesting celebrities.

above: with Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens

above: Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet and Brad Pitt all made a splash at the Palm Springs Film Festival in prior years. Stay tuned this week, I'll be covering more of this year's film festival. Thanks for stopping by today!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I am too excited for words over this!!! I can't wait to read about it and am sad I can't be there. Also, I ADORE Kate Winslet.

  2. Forget TMZ... I got Ricky!

  3. I can't wait to read about this years event-and to see who you get photographed with!

  4. Ooh I wonder who you will get snapped with this year?!

  5. Hi Rick,
    I am a devoted reader who has finally decided to actually say hi. I too live part-time in Palm Springs (and love your posts on Melvyns and the snow and really capture what makes PS so special) and in LA. Last year we were in town and just randomly got tickets to the Festival and saw 4 or 5 amazing movies that we wouldn't have seen normally. The festival is both glam and down-home.

    Your posts always make my day!

    P.S. As a fellow pet lover I'm so sorry about your loss.

  6. A number of years ago---Maybe 10----I was at The Festival....A friends Documentary was screened and it was such a great evening....My friend spoke after the screening and there was a Q & A.....The Festival has grown so much since that time, which is very exciting! I look forward to your posts about it Rick....And photographs, of course, too!

  7. Rick, it has been soooooooooooo long since I've visited the blog (not by choice, but by circumstance). Oh, how I've missed it!

    Great post! Looks like soooo much fun! Can I tell you how jealous I am? :) XOXO


Thank you kindly.