Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Saturday Seven: Doo Dahs, Doo-Hickies and Thingamajigs

Yesterday I was looking for something at work for which I could not remember the name. I could visualize it in my mind's eye. In my feeble attempt to describe it I gestured with my hands to show the shape, while snapping my finger, helpfully saying "you know, the, the, the. the what'sitcalled. the thingamajig. the doohickey that goes into the hoosey-whatsy. I finally remembered what I was looking for and breathed a sigh of relief. This was the inspiration for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Doo Dahs, Doo-Hickies and Thingamajigs. But what is a Doo Dah, a Doo-hickey or a thingamajig, you ask? Well it is something unspecified or difficult to explain whose name is either forgotten or not known. For the fun of it, I thought I'd present seven random doo dahs, doo-hickies and thingamajigs:

#1 A Cement Jointer- also called a sidewalk groover or sidewalk creaser. It smooths the joint between two concrete surfaces.

#2 Stud Finder- no, not THAT kind of stud, the kind that holds up walls.

#3 Pineapple Corer- yes folks, no household should be without one. I own one, thanks to my Mom. It is a great doohickey to get the best part of out of a pineapple!
#4 Pedometer- I still don't understand how these things actually work, and I never remember what they are called.
#5 Pastry Blender- a what? I own one of these and have no idea why. I've never used it.
#6 Garlic peeler- you mean this thing isn't just a piece of broken plastic?
#7 Drain Snake- my personal favorite. Ever seen someone use these thingamajigs? Totally weird.
What strange Doo Dahs, Doo-hickies or Thingamajigs baffle or fascinate you? Go ahead, leave a comment, it's FREE!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I do believe that thing you don't know what it is Potatoes piller

  2. hahahaha, what a fun post.

    i have this weird kitchen implement from trinidad that's always good for some comments as to the nature of its use.

    my favorite doohickey term though is "gazoochy." :)

  3. We use the term "gizmo" a lot in our house. "Where's that gizmo you kids use to do that thing to your hair" I often ask the kids.

    those are some strange gizmos you have here. my husband has some gizmo in the garage that after 20 years I still have no idea what it does!

  4. i use my pastry blender a lot rick, to make biscuits and pie crusts... no home should be without that! ha ha

    smiles, bee

  5. I have a garlic press thingamajig, but I rarely use it. I buy my garlic pre-minced from Trader Joe's now!

  6. This is exactly why I love hardware stores! Doohickies, whatchmacallits, and thingamajigs abound!

  7. After recently moving, I find that I know very little about what I own. (And I DON'T own much "stuff.") I have spent months saying, "Where is that thingamabob, dohicky-job", and then using 5,000 words to describe what it does. Why must containers have so many different names? And computers/Ipods/TVs/Cell phones---all the cords and pluggy thingys---ARRRRGH (No, not seen most of your posted biddly-bops) And WHERE is my Police thingy that ---OH! S C A N N E R ! Now, where is it...

  8. I would love to tell you about my favorite Thingamajigs, but my favorites can't really be discussed ... in polite society... :)

  9. Not sure that nay thinamajigs bafffle or fascinate me but I am grateful for a lot of them. The most simple and useful is my jar opener.

  10. Haha! Well if I could remember their names then I'd tell you, wouldn't I? :-P

  11. Great idea, Rick! I love all these Doo-Hickeys and Gadgets....I've always been fascinated by objects that do just ONE Specific thing! AMAZING!


Thank you kindly.