Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Palm Springs Art Museum Sampler

Saturday I visited the Palm Springs Art Museum to attend their annual fundraiser event (I'll cover it in detail tomorrow). Being in the midst of so many fabulous works of art provided the inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Palm Springs Art Museum Sampler. As a member of the museum I enjoy spending time exploring what I consider one of the finest art museums on the west coast. Their permanent collection of Modern and Contemporary American art includes painting, sculpture, glass, photography and furniture among other mediums. The museum also offers a robust schedule of rotating exhibits throughout the year; currently they have an extensive collection by American photographer Robert Mapelthorpe (which I explored last night and thoroughly enjoyed). They also have a wonderful exhibit of contemporary glass, Mesoamerican art, and an exhibit of works by Maynard Dixon called The Hays Collection. I apologize in advance that I'm in several of these photos, they are really silly social photos and do not convey the beauty of these works. For those of you who tease me incessantly about always having the same expression in all my photos, I purposely didn't smile in the photo above left. It's a brilliant sculpture, isn't it? Anyway, onto to the rest of this week's Sunday Art Review.
Above: I especially like this piece- although it reminds me of a guy from whom I used to take equestrian lessons a million years ago. Funny how things like that come right back to one's memory like that.
above: Enjoying the newly installed Glass Center exhibit. There is a wide variety of glass art made from casting, fusing, lamp-working to glass blowing among other methods. It's a marvelous exhibit featuring items from their permanent collection and new significant works on loan from private collections.

above: oil on canvas, of a date palm tree.

above: A little bizarre, but this is a huge black spider, in what looked like cast iron or bronze.

Well that's all for this week's Sunday Art Review, as brief as it is. Thanks for stopping by today.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Oh Rick..I so wish you would tell us who the Artists are....Particularly that first Sculpture...It is a bit! Do you happen to know the Artists name on that piece?
    I know the Palm Springs Museum fairly well, and they DO have a fine Permanent collection, though I know of three Artists who's works were donated by a famous collecror and about 15 years later the Museum SOLD them....Not Good Form!

  2. I like the very last piece....was it a ceramic?

  3. lovely edition of your art review this week, rick. I especially like the first sculpture and the glass too. I need to visit your fair city and catch up on all there is to see.

  4. The painting of the date palm tree appeals to me.

  5. Great post! What I love about reading your blog is that you are always going somewhere and doing something interesting. It's been awhile since I've been into Chicago and this inspires me to plan to trip to the Art Institute. I'm also thinking of starting a satellite blog featuring my little town--that is if I can find my camera.

  6. believe it or not i like the spider! very unusual and artistic...

    smiles, bee

  7. I like the date palm and the glass. You make me ashamed that I haven't been to our art museum in a while.

  8. Ugh, the spider made the hairs on my neck stand up. But I do like the glass. When I was studying art history, glass and ceramics were my least favorite objects, but I think now glass is becoming more appealing. (At first I'd said, "glass is growing on me" but that sounded weird.)

  9. There was artwork in those photos? I was so taken by the dashing man in the photos...*grin*

  10. Thank you so much for sharing that art. When I was a kid we couldn't afford to go away on vacations so we went to museums - The Natural History Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Guggenheim. I loved every one of them, little realizing what a valuable education we were getting. Now I live in NJ and don't get to NY too often, but...Princeton University actually has a very fine museum. Go figure!


Thank you kindly.