Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: More from London

Welcome to another installment of Rick's Roadshow: More from London. Admittedly, this first photo above left of a display case of gourmet cupcakes is not what one would expect to find as the lead photo in a post about London. However, as regular readers know, I am on a Cupcake Quest, and when I discovered this shop in London I nearly passed out. They were simply fabulous cupcakes. It made my day just seeing these, so I felt it was a fun way to start today's post. So this photo is dedicated to Empress Bee of the High Seas, who loves cake too. This cupcake shop is in an area of London called Covent Garden, a very old shopping market with early Roman influences, built on cobblestone pavers with shops, push carts, street performers, museums and restaurants. I had decided Covent Garden as the site for lunch. So we went to a place called The Crusting Pipe, where I had been many times years past. I've always liked the ambiance of inside Covent Garden. It is bright and cheery, with lots of things to see.

above: we sat in the lower courtyard at The Crusting Pipe restaurant, and people-watched while sipping a nice beer.

above: This area features a continual stream of authorized performers- musicians, singers, jugglers, etc who all play for tips. They were great.
Later, A Typical English Dinner

Later that day we ate dinner by Tower Bridge. I wanted to be someplace by the Thames River and enjoy a spectacular view of London, which is why I chose Tower Bridge (see photo yesterday further below)

above: Beef Rib, with traditional Yorkshire Pudding on top. It was delicious

above: This wasn't my pork chop but it looked wonderful

above: John had some cut of steak, served on a cutting board with grilled veggies, potato wedges and served with some brown gravy. Wow, what a meal.

above: after dinner I ordered a cheese board. I love English Cheeses especially. It is a perfect way to end a meal in London. As you can see from this post, food was a sub theme...I do love to eat.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. gourmet cupcake shop??? *thud*

    smiles, bee

  2. Everything looks good, Rick. English cuisine has never gotten raves, but you seem to have found some good places to eat.

  3. My kind of guy who leads off with the cupcakes!
    All the food looks scrumptious. Did the person who belonged to that pork chop mind you taking its picture?

  4. I love London. Glad you had a cupcake story for today, Fresca's 34th birthday!

  5. Even though the food pics you post here really look absolutely mouth-watering delicious and can make me wish for something like that, the nice thing about them is they are only virtual meals, virtual calories, meaning no calories, no sugar, no cholesterol to worry about -just tantalizing my taste buds in that virtual way. So nice to enjoy that kind of meal. Although, we did have some very non-virtual home-made, from scratch, Chocolate cake for dessert today from the recipe called "Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake" which was deep, dark and delicious chocolate, very moist and dense -firmly packed ya know. Mmmmm. Very good stuff so I had my sugar/cholesterol/caloric splurge then not just for today but enough that should probably last me the better part of the week!
    Thanks for a great post, Rick.

  6. making me hungry, and jealous...;) The meal looks so delicious!!!


Thank you kindly.