Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany Part 5

Rick's Roadshow from Nuremberg Germany returns with Part 5. As you may recall I am here attending the Interzoo pet supply trade show. I'm pleased to say that our Austrian colleague brought her dog to the show every day to be in the booth with us. It has been so nice to have a dog with us! I miss seeing Sheldon and Duncan, so it is a treat to have a cute doggie to pet and snuggle with in between meetings. I wish I could tell you his actual name, but it is a German name and I couldn't repeat or spell it. Anyway, here he is, seated on someone's lap. Isn't he sweet as can be? It may sound stupid but it was so interesting watching him follow commands in German. He listened to his mom's voice and watched her very closely to obey every instruction. Such a sweet hund!

above: during several meetings, the cute doggie sat in and joined the meetings. Look closely at this photo, he is seated on his own chair, in the lower right corner. This was not staged- he participated in many meetings just like this. His head watched everyone speak, as if he followed along with great interest. I just love the pet industry!

above: One of the other vendors at the show had a group of German musicians perform at various points during the day. They were mostly kids, with an adult leader. They were really quite good too!

above: The Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady). I took this photo from the Hauptmarkt square.

above: The Schöne Brunnen, or "The Beautiful Fountain", located in Hauptmarkt square. It is a sixty-foot statue/sculpture fountain of gold filigree and color. It was originally built in 1385 as a cap for the Frauenkirche or Church of Our Lady. This version is a replica built in 1912, as the original one is in a museum.

above: I just liked the archway over this door way. Such detail! I hope these photos continue to show the detail and character of Nuremberg, Germany. Tomorrow I'll have one last entry for Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany. Hope to see you again!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. That dog is a dead ringer for one I used to have, although my Kippy was a girl.

    Enjoying your travelogue, Rick. It looks to be an interesting city, and it certainly has a vast history.

  2. i love dogs like that! they are so amazing when they behave themselves. i have one granddog like that! ha ha ha, two others? not so much.

    smiles, bee

  3. I just love animals -- and seeing evidence like this of how intelligent they really are.

  4. I just scanned thru your travels thru Eng. and Germany!!! Wow...beautiful shots! Safe travels!

  5. I am enjoying your photos and experiences with the food as you travel through Germany. Thanks for sharing with us.


  6. You have the best work experiences. :)


Thank you kindly.