Friday, July 30, 2010

Rick's Roadshow: London

My trip is now officially winding down. Rick's Roadshow from London isn't really a roadshow, as I've been here so many times I rarely take photos anymore. Well that and the fact that I'm conducting some business means I am primarily working during this brief stop in the UK. I did, however have time to meet a Blogger buddy, (c) Karelian Blonde. We've been reading each other's blogs for several years now, and I finally had the opportunity to make contact! We met for a pint (or two) after work, to spend some time chatting about life, friends and the virtues of having a regular pub to call home. She is very sweet and a lovely person. Stop by and say hello to her if you have a chance. For those of you who have met other Blogger buddies, well you know how fun it is to meet.

above: Hard at work.
All kidding aside, a proper pub photo, like this is a must when you visit London. Well today its back to the old London salt mines for me. I probably won't post anything tomorrow as today will be a combination of being busy with a few last minute meetings and then I head back to the US. Thanks for joining me for Rick's Roadshow through Asia these past few weeks. I have many fond memories of Asia and appreciate the time you took to follow along.

-Rick Rockhill


  1. It was lovely to meet you and you are so right about the must'ness of pub photos on ones travels :)

  2. Enjoy the rest of your trip and make it home safely... HUGS!

  3. You've certainly had a wonderful trip. Let me know when you're headed this way -- we'll meet on this side of the country!


Thank you kindly.